

Global Governance Institute


GGI Research Featured on UCL “Uncovering Politics”

4 March 2021

GGI researchers have joined the departmental podcast to discuss recent publications on global climate change governance and business lobbing in the European Union.

UCL Uncovering Politics Podcast

In the most recent episode of UCL Uncovering Politics, Alan Renwick (Deputy Director of the UCL Constitution Unit) speaks with GGI Director David Coen about the relationship between business and the EU. How has the relationship business lobbying in the EU evolved over time? How does it vary from sector to sector? And what does it all mean for policy outcomes? , all of which are also addressed in David’s new book "Business Lobbying in the European Union" (co-authored with Alexander Katsaitis and Matia Vannoni). 

Just one week earlier, GGI Deputy Director Tom Pegram and GGI Researcher Julia Kreienkamp also appeared on UCL Uncovering Politics. In discussion with Jennifer Hudson (Head of Department of UCL Political Science/School of Public Policy), they reflect on the current state of global climate governance, sharing insights from their recent book on “Global Climate Governance” (co-authored with David Coen). What are the barriers to effective global climate governance and what are possible solutions? How does the Paris climate agreement work and what should we expect from the upcoming climate summit in Glasgow? What is needed to make the transition to a post-carbon economy sustainable and just?  to learn more.  

Uncovering Politics is the podcast of the UCL School of Public Policy and the Department of Political Science. It explores key themes of contemporary politics and aims to share important research findings with the wider world.