

UCL Department of Geography



Field Equipment requests must be submitted on the forms found in this section.

There is a need for stringent bio-security to eliminate the spread of invasive and alien species between sites. Where any risk is anticipated, all boats and survey equipment must be cleaned between sites, with additional care being taken where alien plant species are present (e.g. Crassula helmsii, Azolla filiculoides, Lagarosiphon major, Myriophyllum aquaticum and Elodea species) or where zebra mussels (Dressena polymorpha), crayfish or fish parasites etc. have been reported or observed.

Particular vigilance is taken for the occurrence of the recently introduced “killer shrimp” and “Demon shrimp” (Dikerogammarus villosus and D. haemobaphes). Should these be identified, ALL equipment must be cleaned, inspected and disinfected and then dried for a minimum of seven days.

All field kit and footwear must be routinely disinfected using Virkon S Aquatic disinfectant between sites and on return to the Department. It is the responsibility of the research fieldworkers to ensure that this is carried out and to log this on the equipment forms.

For taught field classes, the convenor should inform the technical staff if there is a risk to biosecurity so that it can be dealt with on their return.

Further information

Field Equipment

Risk Assessments