

UCL Department of Geography


Speculative Worlds

8 July 2022

Researchers from across the UK came together last week for Speculative Worlds, a collaborative imagining lab.

Speculative Worlds

The two-day conference was hosted by doctoral candidates from the Department of Geography and The Bartlett.

They aimed to explore how the scope and impact of their research and practice could be broadened through speculative thought.

Over two days, the cross-collaborative group discussed super entanglements, empathy through human-to-animal consciousness transferral, techno-optimism and selling eternity amongst other thought experiments.

The conference "was both a provocation and a Petri dish," said the organising team.

"Participants were asked to imagine a world parallel to ours but of their own design, asking questions together and playing with ideas to conjure up sounds, smells, concepts, artefacts from their collaboration."

Building on the success of this event, the Speculative Worlds team are now planning a follow-up lab to connect across more disciplines and create further opportunities to reflect on research practice through speculation.