

UCL Department of Geography


Ian Patmore


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  • Pearce, R.H.; Chadwick, M.A.; Main, B.; Chan, K.; Sayer, C.D.;Patmore, I.R. .Sensors2024,24, 2488.Doi: 10.3390/s24082488
  • Harwood, A.J.P., Perrow, M.R.,Sayer, C.D., Piper, A.T., Berridge, R.J.,Patmore, I.R.,Emson, D. & Cooper, G. (2022)Aquatic Conservation: Marine & Freshwater Ecosystems,32, 797-816.Doi: 10.1002/aqc.3794
  • Lucy C. Boakes,Ian R. Patmore, Chiara E. P. Bancone, Neil L. Rose. (2022) . Environmental Science and Pollution Research.Doi: 10.1007/s11356-022-24935-0
  • Pritchard, E.G., Chadwick, D.D.A.,Patmore, I.R., Chadwick, M.A., Bradley, P.,Sayer, C.D.& Axmacher, J.A.(2021).Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 2, e12070.Doi.org/10.1002/2688-8319.12070
  • Jorge Salgado, Carl D. Sayer, Nigel Willby, Ambroise G. Baker, Ben Goldsmith, Thomas A. Davidson, Suzanne McGowan, Patrik Bexell,Ian R. Patmore, Beth Okamura. (2021) Habitat heterogeneity enables spatial and temporal coexistence of native and invasive macrophytes in shallow lake landscapes. River Research and applications. DOI: 10.1002/rra.3839
  • Carl D. Sayer, Dave Emson,Ian R Patmore,Helen M. Greaves, William P. West, Jonathan Payne, Gareth D. Davis, Ali Serhan Tarkan, Glen Wiseman, Bernard Cooper, Tim Grapes, George Cooper, Gordon H. Copp. (2020) Recovery of the crucian carpCrassius carassius(L.): Approach and early results of an English conservation project. Aquatic conserve; Mar Freshw Ecosyst. 1-14 DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3422
  • Jonathan Lewis-Phillips, Stephen J. Brooks, Carl Derek Sayer,Ian R. Patmore, Geoff M. Hilton, Anne Harrison, Hannah Robson, Jan C. Axmacher. (2019) Ponds as insect chimneys: Restoring overgrown farmland ponds benefits birds through elevated productivity of emerging aquatic insects. Biological Conservation, 241. Doi.org.10.1016/j.biocon.2019.108253
  • Isabel J. Bishop, Helen Bennion, Carl D. Sayer,Ian R. Patmore, Handong Yang (2019) Filling the “data gap”: Using paleoecology to investigate the decline of Najas flexilis (a rare aquatic plant). Geography and Environment DOI: 10.1002/geo2.81
  • Jorge Salgado, Carl D. Sayer, Stephen J. Brooks, Thomas A. Davidson, Ambroise G. Baker, Nigel Willby,Ian R. Patmore, Ben Goldsmith, Helen Bennion, Beth Okamura 2019. Connectivity and zebra mussel invasion offer short-term buffering of eutrophication impacts on floodplain lake landscape biodiversity. Diversity and Distributions DOI:10.1111/ddi.12938
  • Yang, H; Lencioni, L;Patmore, I; (2018) Importance of Surface Sediments for Reliable 210Pb Dating.Revista Internacional de Contaminacion Ambiental,34:341-345 01
  • Salgado, J., C. D. Sayer, S. J. Brooks, T. A. Davidson, B. Goldsmith,I. R. Patmore, A. G. Baker, and B. Okamura. 2018. Eutrophication homogenizes shallow lake macrophyte assemblages over space and time. Ecosphere 9(9):e02406.10.1002/ecs2.2406
  • Dave Emson. Carl D. Sayer. Helen Bennion.Ian R. Patmore. Patrick Rioual. (2017) Mission possible: diatoms can be used to infer past duckweed (lemnoid Araceae) dominance in ponds. J Paleolimnol DOI 10.1007/s10933-017-0008-6.
  • Bishop, I.J., Bennion, H.,Patmore, I.R., Sayer, C.D. (2017) How effective are plant macrofossils as a proxy for macrophyte presence? The case of Najas flexilis in Scotland. J Paleolimnol. DOI 10.1007/S10933-017-9988-5
  • Wiik, E., Bennion, H., Sayer, C.D., Davidson, T.A., McGowan, S.,Patmore, I.R.& Clarke, S.J. (2015) Ecological sensitivity of marl lakes to nutrient enrichment: palaeolimnological evidence from Hawes Water, UK.Freshwater Biology. DOI:10/1111/fwb 12650
  • Clarke G.H., Sayer C.D., Turner S., Salgado J., Meis S.,Patmore I.R.,Zhao Y. (2014) Spatial representation of aquatic vegetation change by plant macrofossils in a small and shallow freshwater lake. Veget Hist Archaeobot 23:265-276 . DOI 10.1007/s00334-013-0427x
  • Patmore, I.R,Sayer, C.D., Goldsmith, B., Davidson, T.A., Rawcliffe, R.& Salgado, J. (2013) Big Ben: a new wide-bore piston corer for multi-proxy palaeolimnology. 10.1007/s10933-013-9756-0
  • Sayer, C.D.,Shilland, E., Greaves, H., Dawson, B.,Patmore, I.R.,Emson, E., Alderton, E., Robinson, P., Andrews, K., Axmacher, J.A. & Wiik, E. (2013) Managing British ponds – conservation lessons from a Norfolk farm.British Wildlife, 25(1), 21-28.
  • Sayer, C.D., Andrews, K., Shilland, E., Edmunds, N., Edmonds-Browne, R.,Patmore, I.R., Emson, D. & Axmacher, J. (2012) The role of pond management for biodiversity conservation in an agricultural landscape.Aquatic Conservation.DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2254.
  • Evans, R.G., Sunley, A., Bradford, C. &Patmore, R.I.(1995) Effects of fenoxycarb on development and reproduction of the Oriental cockroach, Blatta orientalis. Med Vet Entomol9, 235-240.