

UCL Ear Institute


New Paper from Jonathan Ashmore is Journal of Physiology Editors Choice

16 December 2019

Paper's title is "Wnts control membrane potential in mammalian cancer cells"

Wnt ligand delivered to a prostate cancer PC3 cell loaded with the calcium indicator OGB5N through a patch pipette

A new paper from Prof Jonathan Ashmore and colleagues is a Journal of Physiology Editors Choice from the 15th December 2019 issue. The Editors choice recognises significant papers throughout the year.

It is also the second time a UCL Ear Institute Image has made it to the front cover. The colourful microscopy image above depicts a Wnt Ligand (indicated by a red Alexa647 dye) being delivered to a prostate cancer PC3 cell loaded with the calcium indicator 0GB5N (green) through a patch pipette.

The paper is a collaboration between the Ear Institute, the Centre for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine at KCL and Sophion, a Danish company making a high-throughput patch clamp systems.

Commenting on the paper Prof Ashmore said "This is definitely an interdisciplinary paper - where electrophysiology meets the cancer biology field - but shows that Wnt peptides, important developmental signals for the cochlea too, unexpectedly modulate the electrical activity in some cells"
