


Local roots / global routes: the legacies of British slave-ownership
A Share Academy project

have a track record of engaging local communities to explore their heritage in creative and dynamic ways. explored Hackney’s local histories in conjunction with UCL’s History Department and the Legacies of British Slave-ownership project.

The partners worked with two local secondary schools to create a performance-based session and interactive educational resource for Key Stages 3 and 4 based on Legacies of British Slave-ownership material. Teacher training sessions were hosted and a filmed version of the resource produced. UCL staff also delivered workshops, a walking tour and a showcase event for Black History Month in Hackney during October 2014.

Related Events & Resources

  • Legacies of African Enslavement in Hackney:
  • Bloomsbury Theatre, UCLSaturday 8 November 2014, 10 am – 7 pm

Project Leads

  • Katie Donington & Kristy Warren, Research Associates, Department of History, UCL
  • Cheryl Bowen, Community Education Manager, Hackney Museum & Archives
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