

Centre for Law, Economics and Society


Competition Law and Development

The interaction of competition law with development is a recent and exciting topic in global competition law and policy studies

The expansion of competition law to more than 100 jurisdictions worldwide presenting different degrees of economic, social and institutional development raises important questions as to the appropriate design of competition law regimes and the interaction between competition law and development studies.

We think that competition law regimes should be designed according to the institutional level of development of the country and to the overall structure of its institutional system, economy and societal norms.

The CLES is very active in the area of competition law and development. 

Firstly, we have concluded an agreement to participate to UNCTAD’s  with leading Research Centres around the World. UNCTAD’s RPP is an initiative that aims at contributing to the development of best practices in the formulation and effective enforcement of competition and consumer protection laws and policies so as to promote development.

Secondly, we are active in organizing events on the interaction of competition law with development. In November 2010 we organized an international workshop in New Delhi in India on this topic. 

We have published a book currently on this topic within the . The 2nd book in the series entitled Competition Law and Development provides a number of viewpoints of what competition law and policy mean both in theory and practice in a development context. 

Thirdly, we are actively researching from an empirical, economic and comparative law perspective on the transplantation of competition law in various developing countries and how the local conditions are influencing competition law enforcement in these jurisdictions. Among the different publications of the members of the Centre on this important topic, see the following papers:

Among the members of the Centre, people active in this field areÂ