

Circular Economy Lab


UCL CircEL Timber Workshop roundup

Timber and Furniture workshop.

An industry-facing event focused on a Circular Economy for Timber and Furniture was held on 20 July 2016, with 6 industrial speakers. Despite falling on the hottest day of the year, it was well-attended by 15 representatives from industry, and 17 members of the UCL academic community and resulted in lively interaction.

The event was organised by Professor Julia Stegemann and Alejandro Tudela, and funded from an EPSRC Impact Acceleration Award.

Haldane Room, , London, United Kingdom


Charlie Law,

David Hopkins,

Fiona Edwards,

May Al-Karooni,

Nick Spooner,

Tim Belden,

Technical issues mean videos can't be embedded on this site at the moment. So a temporary wordpress site with a curated round up of ideas, comments, and information is available here