

Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Mineral-based Construction Materials


Focus Area 3F - Assessing waste biomass availability for cement co-processing

This focus area aims to analyzeÌýbiomass waste flow in UK cement plants, assess its alternative uses, and compareÌýthe environmental impacts of current and potential waste biomass applications.

Focus Area 3F
PDR3F, Led by Dr RamyaÌýVenkataraman from UCL,ÌýWorking on Material Flow Analysis ofÌýBiomassÌýFuels in UKÌýCementÌýCo-Processing working withÌýDr. Teresa Domenech, Dr. Stijn Van Ewijk, Prof. Julia Stegemann, Dr. Aiduan Borrion from Civil Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (CEGE) Together with the UCL Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources (BSEER).

Background of this research

Substitution of fossil fuels by renewable biomass is a key strategy forÌýdecreasing emissions of greenhouse gasesÌý(GHG)Ìýfrom energy-intensive processes, including cement manufacture. In a system-wide context,ÌýwithÌýcompeting demand from other sectors,Ìýthe supply and benefitsÌýof biomass energyÌýareÌýbothÌýuncertain. Characterisation ofÌýquantities and qualities ofÌýdifferent types ofÌýbiomass waste at the point of generation rather than at the point of use canÌýhelpÌýdirectÌýthem to the most beneficial use,Ìýfor the reduction of GHG emissions and other negative environmental impacts.

Objectives for this research

(a) A Material Flow Analysis of biomass waste in U.K cement plants

(b) Assessment of alternative uses of waste biomass

(c) Comparison of the environmental impact of waste biomass currently used in U.K cement plants and their alternative uses