

UCL Department of Chemical Engineering


Advanced Manufacturing

We develop innovative approaches and processes for sustainable manufacturing in the chemical, pharmaceutical, energy and healthcare sectors, encompassing digitisation and advanced experimentation. We use state of the art modelling tools, novel methodologies and sophisticated analytical and automation techniques.

Image of researchers in the lab

Autonomous chemicals synthesis platforms, and in particular integrated experimental-simulation systems for reaction process optimisation applicable to bulk chemical and high value materials synthesis 

Digital manufacturing, where advanced modelling tools, such as machine learning, are employed to digitise chemical processes and develop digital twins 

Formulation engineering focusing on consumer products of high value, smart materials for healthcare, pharmaceuticals and food

Intensified manufacturing, applied to bulk and fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals and energy, which aims to make processing equipment, smaller, safer and more efficient

Microwave/Plasma Chemical Processing for functional materials production and chemical recycling, involving both reaction system design and automation

Nature-inspired solutions, leveraging fundamental mechanisms employed by nature for sustainable manufacturing and process intensification

Advanced separation processes, based on chromatography, distillation, extraction and phase separation, which seek to intensify and innovate separations in the bulk chemicals, pharmaceuticals and nuclear industry