

Centre for Applied Archaeology


Advisory Board

It was agreed at the project's design stage that an advisory board consisting of leading experts will be formed to provide research guidance and academic oversight for the duration of the project. The work of the project will be undertaken by a multi-disciplinary team, involving a partnership between University College London (UCL), Zhejiang University (ZJU) and Northwest University China (NWU), under the guidance of both the Shanxi Provincial Bureau of Cultural Heritage (SBCH) and an international advisory board.

The members of the advisory board are:

Susan Whitfield魏泓

Former director of the International Dunhuang Project, British Library, Silk Roads historian


Lennert Gesterkamp 葛思康

Department of History and Art History, Utrecht University

荷兰乌特勒支大学中国艺术史研究学者,著有《The Heavenly Court: Daoist Temple Painting in China, 1200-1400》一书(2011年Brill 出版),是以永乐宫为中心的朝元图研究。曾在台湾中研院和浙江大学进行博士后研究,学术兴趣主要集中在中国绘画史与道教美术史

ZHAO Shengliang 赵声良?

Deputy Director, Dunhuang Academy 敦煌研究院副院长,敦煌研究院学术委员会主任委员

ZHENG Yan 郑岩

Professor in Art History, Chinese Central Academy of Fine Art 中央美术学院教授,汉唐美术史与美术考古研究专家

HANG Kan 杭侃??

Professor, School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University 北京大学考古文博学院教授,山西大同大学云岗文化研究中心学术委员会主任,宋元明考古、佛教艺术、古代建筑、博物馆学与文化保护领域专家

DING Yao 丁垚

Deputy Director, Research Institute of Architectural History and Theory, Tianjin University, China 天津大学家住历史与理论研究所副所长,建筑历史及理论研究专家

WU Jiang 吴健

Director, Heritage Digitisation Institute, The Dunhuang Academy敦煌研究院文物数字化研究所所长,研究员。主要从事文物摄影与石窟数字化研究。