



Bloomsbury Project

Bloomsbury Streets, Squares, and Buildings

Streets Index

What is the Bloomsbury Project?

The -funded UCL Bloomsbury Project was established to investigate 19th-century Bloomsbury’s development from swampy rubbish-dump to centre of intellectual life

Led by Professor Rosemary Ashton, with Dr Deborah Colville as Researcher, the Project has traced the origins, Bloomsbury locations, and reforming significance of hundreds of progressive and innovative institutions

Many of the extensive archival resources relating to these institutions have also been identified and examined by the Project, and Bloomsbury’s developing streets and squares have been mapped and described

This website is a gateway to the information gathered and edited by Project members during the Project’s lifetime, 1 October 2007–30 April 2011, with the co-operation of Bloomsbury’s institutions, societies, and local residents


Streets Index
(including variant names)



Abbey Place
Adeline Place see Caroline Street
Alfred Mews
Alfred Place
Alfred Street
Allington Row see Bloomsbury Square
Argyle Place
Argyle Row
Argyle Square
Argyle Street formerly less extensive
Argyle Street part on site of former Manchester Street
Argyle Terrace see Argyle Place
Argyle Walk part on site of former Argyle Place
Argyle Walk part on site of former North Place
Arthur Street
Ashlyn’s Buildings


Babington Court on site of former Ormond Mews
Bainbridge Street
Bakers Place
Banbridge Street see Bainbridge Street
Banister’s Alley
Barbon Close on site of former Ormond Mews
Barnet Yard see Bernard Mews
Barter Street (east–west portion) see Silver Street
Barter Street (north–south portion ) see Market Street
Bayley Street see Bedford Street
Beaumont Place
Bedford Avenue see Caroline Mews
Bedford Avenue see Tavistock Street
Bedford Circus see Bedford Square
Bedford Court (off Lamb’s Conduit Street) see Harpur Mews
Bedford Court (off New North Street)
Bedford Head Yard
Bedford Mews see Jockey Fields
Bedford Place
Bedford Row
Bedford Square
Bedford Street
Bedford Street see Sandland Street
Bedford Walk see Bedford Row
Bedford Way see Upper Bedford Place
Bedford Yard
Belgrave Street
Belgrove Street see Belgrave Street
Bernard Mews
Bernard Street
Bidborough Place
Bidborough Street
Birkenhead Street see Liverpool Street
Bishop’s Court see Bishop’s Head Court
Bishop’s Head Court
Black Horse Yard
Bloomsbury Court
Bloomsbury Market
Bloomsbury Place
Bloomsbury Square
Bloomsbury Street see Charlotte Street
Bloomsbury Way see Hart Street
Blue Boar Yard
Bolton Gardens
Boswell Court
Boswell Street see Devonshire Street
Bow Street
Boziers Court
Brantome Place see Draper’s Place
Brewer Street
Brewer’s Street see Brewer Street
Brewers Street see Brewer Street
Brighton Street
Broad Street
Brownlow Mews
Brownlow Street
Brunswick Buildings
Brunswick Court see Queen Square Place
Brunswick Place see Queen Square Place
Brunswick Row see Queen Square Place
Brunswick Square
Brunswick Street see Tonbridge Street
Buckbridge Street see Buckridge Street
Buckeridge Court

Buckeridge Street see Buckridge Street
Buckley Court
Bucknall Street
Buckridge Street
Burton Crescent
Burton Place see Crescent Place
Burton Street
Bury Place
Bury Place (modern street) see Bury Street
Bury Street
Byng Place
Byng Street


Calthorpe Place
Capper Street see Pancras Street
Carmarthen Square planned, not built
Carmarthen Street see University Street
Caroline Mews
Caroline Place near Cromer Street
Caroline Place near Mecklenburgh Square
Caroline Street
Carrier Street
Calsen Yard see Kelsen Yard
Cartwright Gardens see Burton Crescent
Castle Court
Castle Street
Catel Place
Catton Street see Eagle Street
Chancellor’s Court on site of former Ormond Mews
Chapel Place
Chapel Street
Charlotte Mews
Charlotte Street
Chenies Mews
Chenies Place
Chenies Street
Chesterfield Street
Chichester Place
Church Lane see Church Lane and Church Street
Church Lane and Church Street
Church Street see Church Lane and Church Street
Claremont Place
Clare Street see Claremont Place
Clark’s Buildings
Clark’s Mews
Cloisters, The

Cockpit Court see Little Cockpit Yard
Cockpit Yard
Cold Harbour see Little James Street

Colonnade Mews
Compton Mews
Compton Place
Compton Place see Wakefield Street
Compton Street now part of Tavistock Place
Compton Street see Bury Place
Compton Street East see New Street (2)
Constitution Row
Cony Court see Gray’s Inn Square
Cooper’s Buildings
Coptic Street see Duke Street
Coram Buildings
Coram Place
Coram Street see Great Coram Street
Cosmo Place formerly Fox Court
Cosmo Place formerly Little Ormond Street
Cottage Buildings
Cottage Place
Cox Street see Compton Street
Crescent Mews see North Crescent Mews
Crescent Mews North see North Crescent Mews
Crescent Place
Crestfield Street see Chesterfield Street
Cromer Street
Cross Street


Dane Street
Dean Street
Dennis’s Passage see Little James Street
Derby Street
Derry Street see James Street
Devonshire Square see Queen Square
Devonshire Street
Dickens Buildings
Diot Street see Dyott Street
Dog and Duck Yard
Dombey Street see East Street
Doughty Mews
Doughty Street
Drake Street
Draper’s Place
Drum Alley see Dunn’s Passage
Duke Street
Duke’s Road
Duke’s Row see Duke’s Road
Dumb’s Alley see Dunn’s Passage
Dums Alley see Dunn’s Passage
Dunn’s Passage
Dutton Street
Dyer’s Place
Dyot Garden
Dyot Street see Dyott Street
Dyott Street


Eagle Court
Eagle Street
Earnshaw Street see Arthur Street
East Francis Street see Francis Street
East Mews

East Street
Egremont Place
Emerald Court
Emerald Street
Endsleigh Gardens
Endsleigh Place see Gordon Place
Endsleigh Street
Euston Place
Euston Road
Euston Square
Eve Place
Eve Terrace
Everett Street
Everitt Street see Everett Street


Feathers Mews
Featherstone Buildings
Field Court
Fisher Court
Fisher Street

Fisher’s Court see Fisher Court
Fisher’s Street see Fisher Street
Flaxman Terrace on site of former North Crescent Mews
Fletcher’s Court
Foundling Terrace
Fountain Court see Bloomsbury Court
Fountaine Court see Bloomsbury Court
Fox Court

Francis Place
Francis Street see Seaford Street
Francis Street
French Horn Yard
Fuller’s Rents see Fulwood’s Rents
Fullwood Place see Fulwood’s Rents
Fullwood Row
Fullwood’s Rents see Fulwood’s Rents
Fulwood’s Rents


Gage Street see Cross Street
Galen Place
Gee’s Court
George Street see Dyott Street
Georgiana Street see Taviton Street
Gilbert Place see Gilbert Street
Gilbert Street
Gloucester Street
Gordon Place
Gordon Square
Gordon Street
Gower Court see Little Gower Place
Gower Mews
Gower Place
Gower Street
Grafton Street
Grafton Street East see Grafton Street
Grafton Way see Grafton Street
Gray’s Inn Lane see Gray’s Inn Road
Gray’s Inn Lane Terrace
Gray’s Inn Passage
Gray’s Inn Place
Gray’s Inn Road
Gray’s Inn Square
Great Coram Street
Great James Street
Great Ormond Street
Great Ormond Yard see Ormond Mews
Great Russell Street
Great Store Street see Store Street
Green Lane see Great Russell Street
Green Street see Emerald Street
Greenland Grove
Greenland Place
Grenville Mews
Grenville Street
Greyhound Yard
Guildford Mews
Guildford Place see Guilford Place
Guildford Street see Guilford Street
Guilford Place
Guilford Street


Hadlow Street see Sandwich Street
Hamerton Place see Hamilton Place
Hamilton Place
Hampshire Hog Yard
Hand Alley see
Hand Court
Handel Street
Harpe Street see Harpur Street
Harpur Mews
Harpur Street
Harrison Street
Hart Street
Hastings Street
Heathcote Street
Henrietta Mews
Henrietta Street see Handel Street
Henry Street
Herbrand Street
Herbrand Street Dwellings see Coram House, Dickens House, and Thackeray House
Hides Street see Hyde Street
High Holborn formerly less extensive
High Street
High Street Bloomsbury see High Street
Hills Place
Hills Yard
Holborn Court see South Square
Hole in the Wall see Bury Place
Hole in the Wall Yard see Bury Place
Horse and Grome Yard see Horse and Groom Yard
Horse and Groom Yard
Howe’s Yard see Horse and Groom Yard
Hunter Mews
Hunter Place
Hunter Street
Hunter Street North see Judd Street
Huntley Street
Hyde Street


Inwood Place
Ivy Court
Ivy Lane see Ivy Street
Ivy Street


James Street
Jockey Fields
Jockey’s Fields see Jockey Fields
Jockeys Fields see Warwick Place
John Place see John’s Place
John Street

John’s Mews
John’s Place
Jones’s Court (Bainbridge Street)
Joseph Street
Judd Place see Judd Place East
Judd Place East
Judd Place West
Judd Street


Kelsen Yard
Kemp’s Yard
Kendricks Place
Kennedy Court see Kennedy’s Court
Kennedy’s Court
Kent Street see New Street (1)
Kenton Street

Kenton Street formerly Wilmot Street see Wilmot Street
Keppel Mews
Keppel Mews North
Keppel Mews South see Keppel Mews
Keppel Street
King John’s Palace see Palace Row
King Street
Kings Arms Yard
King’s Head Yard Broad Street
King's Head Yard Duke Street
King’s Mews
King’s Road
King’s Way see King’s Road
Kingsgate Street
Kirk Street see Robert Street


Lamb’s Conduit Mews see Long Yard
Lamb’s Conduit Passage
Lamb’s Conduit Place see Guilford Place
Lamb’s Conduit Street
Lamb Yard
Lamp Office Court

Lancaster Street see Thanet Street
Landsdown Mews
Lansdowne Place
Lansdowne Terrace see Lansdowne Place
Lansdowne Yard see Landsdown Mews
Laurence Lane see Buckridge Street
Lawrence Street see Buckridge Street
Lee Street see Dane Street
Leigh Street see Dane Street
Leigh Street
Linney Court
Linny Court see Linney Court
Lion Street see Lyon Street
Little Britain
Little Britain Mews
Little Cockpit Yard
Little Conduit Street see Lamb’s Conduit Passage
Little Coram Street
Little Gower Place
Little Guilford Street
Little James Street
Little Ormond Street
Little Ormond Yard
Little Pancras Street
Little Russell Street
Little Store Street see Chenies Mews
Little Torrington Street
Liverpool Street
Long Yard
Lower Bedford Place see Bedford Place
Loxham Street see Riley Street
Lucas Place
Lucas Street see Cromer Street
Lyon Street


Mabledon Place

Mabledon Row see Mabledon Place
Maidenhead Lane see Dyott Street
Maidenhead Yard
Malet Place see Upper Gower Mews
Malet Street part on site of former Keppel Mews North
Malet Street part on site of former Little Torrington Street
Malet Street part on site of former Torrington Mews
Manchester Street
Mansfields Yard
Marchmont Place
Marchmont Street
Margaret Row
Market Square
Market Street
Maynard Lane see Maynard Street
Maynard Street
Mecklenburg Square see Mecklenburgh Square
Mecklenburgh Mews
Mecklenburgh Place see Caroline Place
Mecklenburgh Square
Mecklenburgh Street
Mecklenburgh Terrace
Melina Terrace
Middle Row (Bloomsbury)
Middle Row (Holborn)
Middle Row (St Giles) see Middle Row (Bloomsbury)
Midhope Buildings
Midhope Street see Wood Street
Milland’s Court
Millman Mews
Millman Place
Millman Street
Montague Mews
Montague Place
Montague Street
Montague Street North see Upper Montague Street
Mortimer Market
Morwell Street
Museum Street


New Court
New Inn Yard
New London Street see University Street
New Millman Mews see Millman Mews
New Millman Street
New North Street
New Ormond Street see Great Ormond Street
New Oxford Street
New Road, The see Euston Road
New Store Street see Store Street
New Street (Rookeries) no longer exists
New Street (near Compton Street)
Nicholas Court
North Allington Place
North Crescent
North Crescent Mews
North Mews
North Place (near Cromer Street)
North Place (Gray’s Inn Road)
Northington Street see Little James Street
Nottingham Street


Old Gloucester Street see Gloucester Street
Old North Street
Orange Street
Orde Hall Street
Ormond Close on site of former Ormond Mews
Ormond Mews

Ormond Place see Little Ormond Yard
Ormond Street see Great Ormond Street
Ormond Yard see Ormond Mews


Palace Row
Pancras Street

Parade, The see Tavistock Place
Parnell House see Ashlyn’s Buildings
Parton Street see Orange Street
Peabody Buildings
Peace Cottages
Pershore Place
Peter Street
Phillip Garden see Phillips Garden
Phillips Garden
Phillips Row
Phillips’s Garden
see Phillips Garden
Phillips’s Row see Phillips Row
Phoenix Street
Phoenix Street see Red Lion Passage
Pied Bull Court see Pied Bull Yard
Pied Bull Yard
Pied Bull Yard see also Galen Place
Pindar Place
Pindar’s Place see Pindar Place
Place Row
‘Plum Pudding Steps’ see North Place
Plum Street
Plumbers Court see Plumer’s Court
Plumber’s Court see Plumer’s Court
Plumbers’ Court see Plumer’s Court
Plumbtre Street see Plum Street
Plumbtree Street see Plum Street
Plumer’s Court
Plummers Court see Plumer’s Court
Plummer’s Court see Plumer’s Court
Plummers’ Court see Plumer’s Court
Plumptre Street see Plum Street
Poplar Place
Powis Place
Princes Street
Princeton Street see Princes Street
Prospect Place see Prospect Terrace
Prospect Terrace


Queen Anne’s Walk
Queen Square

Queen Square Place
Queen Street
Queen’s Yard


Ragdale Court see Millman Place
Ragdall Court see Millman Place
Rat’s Castle see Rats Castle
Rats’ Castle
Raymond Buildings

Red Lion Passage
Red Lion Square
Red Lion Street
Red Lion Yard off Eagle Street
Red Lion Yard off Upper King Street
Red Lyon Street see Red Lion Street
Redcar Yard

Regent Buildings
Regent’s Buildings see Regent Buildings
Regent Place East
Regent Place West
Regent Square
Regent Square Mews
Rhodes Mews see Rhodes’s Mews
Rhodes’s Mews
Richard Court
Richbell Court see Richbell Place
Richbell Place
Ridgmount Gardens see Chenies Mews
Ridgmount Street see Chenies Mews
Riley Street
Robert Street
Robin Hood Court
Robinhood Court see Robin Hood Court
Roger Street see Henry Street
Rose Alley
Rothesay Square see Woburn Square
Rothsay Square see Gordon Square
Royal Arcade
Rugby Street (east–west section) see Chapel Street
Rugby Street (north–south section) see Millman Street
Russell Mews
Russell Place
Russell Square


St Chad’s Row
St Chad’s Street see Derby Street
St Giles’ High Street see High Street
St Giles’s see Broad Street
Sandland Street
Sandwich Street
Scott’s Court
Seaford Street
Seymour Place
Seymour Row see Bloomsbury Square
Shaftesbury Avenue
Shropshire Court see Shropshire Place
Shropshire Place
Sidmouth Place
Sidmouth Street
Silver Street
Sion Terrace see Argyle Place
Skinner Place see Tonbridge Street
Somers Place see Somers Place East
Somers Place see Somers Place West
Somers Place East

Somers Place West
Sommer’s Place East see Somers Place East
Sommer’s Place West see Somers Place West
South Crescent
South Crescent Mews
South Place
South Row
South Square
Southampton Court
Southampton Court see Fox Court
Southampton Mews

Southampton Place
Southampton Row
Southampton Row formerly King Street see King Street
Southampton Row formerly Upper King Street see Upper King Street
Southampton Square see Bloomsbury Square
Southampton Street
Southampton Terrace see Russell Square
Speedy Place
Speldhurst Grove
Speldhurst Street see Hastings Street
Stedham Place see Charlotte Mews
Stone’s Row
Store Street
Streatham Mews
Streatham Street


Tankerton Buildings
Tankerton Street see Dutton Street
Tavistock House (1)
Tavistock House (2)
Tavistock Mews (Bedford Square) see Morwell Street
Tavistock Mews
Tavistock Place
Tavistock Place North
Tavistock Place South see Tavistock Place
Tavistock Square
Tavistock Street
Tavistock Street see Caroline Mews
Tavistock Villas see Tavistock Place North
Taviton Street
Terrace, The
Terrington Place see Francis Street
Thackeray Buildings
Thanet Street
Thatcher’s Court
Theobald’s Court see Harpur Street
Theobald’s Road
Theobald’s Row see Theobald’s Road
Thorney Street
Thornham Mews
Thornhaugh Mews see Thornham Mews
Thornhaugh Street see Upper Montague Street
Thornhaugh Street see Huntley Street
Thorny Street see Thorney Street
Three Cups Inn Yard
Three Cups Yard
Three Cups Yard, Bedford Row see Three Cups Yard
Three Cups Yard, Holborn see Three Cups Inn Yard
Tonbridge Houses
Tonbridge Place

Tonbridge Street
Torrington Mews
Torrington Mews East
Torrington Place see Francis Street
Torrington Square
Torrington Street
Tottenham Court
Tottenham Court Road
Tottenham Place
Tunbridge Place see Tonbridge Place


University Street
Upper Bedford Mews
Upper Bedford Place
Upper Chenies Mews
Upper Gordon Street see Gordon Street
Upper Gower Mews
Upper Gower Street see Gower Street
Upper Guilford Street see Guilford Street
Upper John Street see Doughty Street
Upper King Street
Upper Montague Mews
Upper Montague Street
Upper North Place
Upper Thornhaugh Street see Huntley Street
Upper Tottenham Place see Tottenham Place
Upper Woburn Place


Vernon Place
Vernon Row see Bloomsbury Square
Verulam Buildings
Vine Street
Vittoria Place


Wakefield Street
Warwick Court
Warwick Place
Waterloo Place
Welch’s Court see Robin Hood Court
Wellington Square
Wells Yard
Welsh’s Court see Robin Hood Court
West Central Street (east–west part) see Brewer Street
West Central Street (north–south part) see Duke Street
West Francis Street see Francis Street
Whidborne Buildings
Whidborne Street see Brighton Street
White Hart Row
White Horse Yard
Whitehorse Yard
William Street see Gordon Street
Willoughby Street see Woburn Street
Wilmot Street
Wilmott Street see Wilmot Street
Winckworth Yard see Winkworth Yard
Winkworth Yard
Wobourn Place see Woburn Place
Woburn Buildings see Woburn Walk
Woburn Court
Woburn Mews
Woburn Mews East see Woburn Mews
Woburn Mews West
Woburn Place
Woburn Square
Woburn Street
Woburn Walk
Wooburn Court see Streatham Street
Woolf Mews on site of South Crescent Mews
Wooburn Street see Woburn Street
Wood Street
Wriothesley Street see Gordon Street


York Place
Yorkshire Grey Yard



This page last modified 14 April, 2011 by Deborah Colville


Bloomsbury Project - University College London - Gower Street - London - WC1E 6BT - Telephone: +44 (0)20 7679 3134 - Copyright © 1999-2005 UCL