



Bloomsbury Project

Bloomsbury Institutions

Institutions Index

What is the Bloomsbury Project?

The -funded UCL Bloomsbury Project was established to investigate 19th-century Bloomsbury’s development from swampy rubbish-dump to centre of intellectual life

Led by Professor Rosemary Ashton, with Dr Deborah Colville as Researcher, the Project has traced the origins, Bloomsbury locations, and reforming significance of hundreds of progressive and innovative institutions

Many of the extensive archival resources relating to these institutions have also been identified and examined by the Project, and Bloomsbury’s developing streets and squares have been mapped and described

This website is a gateway to the information gathered and edited by Project members during the Project’s lifetime, 1 October 2007–30 April 2011, with the co-operation of Bloomsbury’s institutions, societies, and local residents

Institutions Index
(including variant names)

1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


1830 Housing Society see Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes


Adult Deaf and Dumb Institution
Aged Poor Society
Alexandra Hospital for Children with Hip Disease see House of Relief for Children with Chronic Disease of the Joints
Alexandra Hospital for Poor Children with Hip Disease see House of Relief for Children with Chronic Disease of the Joints
Alexandra Institute see Alexandra Institute for the Blind
Alexandra Institute for the Blind
All Saints’ Church
All Saints’ Invalid Home
All Saints’ Institution for Ladies Suffering from Illness see All Saints’ Invalid Home
Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners
Anglican Sisterhood of East Grinstead
“Anti-Scrape” see Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
Argyle Primary School see Manchester Street School
Art Students’ Home see Home for Lady Art Students
Art Workers’ Guild
ASCJ see Progressive Society of Carpenters and Joiners
Assembly Hall
Association for Removing the Causes of Ignorance and Poverty see Society to Remove the Causes of Poverty and Ignorance
Association for the General Welfare of the Blind see Blind Institute
Association of the Intelligent and Well Disposed of the Working Classes to Remove the Causes of Poverty and Ignorance see Society to Remove the Causes of Poverty and Ignorance


Baptist Chapel Cromer Street
Baptist Chapel Keppel Street
Baptist Chapel John Street see John Street Baptist Chapel
Baptist Church House see Kingsgate Baptist Chapel
Bedford Chapel
Bedford College see Ladies’ College
Bedford College School
Bedford Free Dispensary see Charlotte Street School of Medicine
Bessbrook Homes see Bessbrook Homes for Sandwich Men
Bessbrook Homes and Advertising Agency see Bessbrook Homes for Sandwich Men
Bessbrook Homes for Sandwich Men
Biblewoman Movement see London Bible and Domestic Female Mission and Ranyard Nurses
Blind Indigent Visiting Society
Blind Institute
Blind Poor Relief Society
Bloomsbury Baptist Chapel
Bloomsbury Dispensary
Bloomsbury Dispensary for the Relief of the Sick Poor see Bloomsbury Dispensary
Bloomsbury Eye and Skin Hospital see Bloomsbury Provident Eye Hospital
Bloomsbury Nurses see Metropolitan and National Nursing Association
Bloomsbury Nurses’ Association see Metropolitan and National Nursing Association
Bloomsbury Provident Dispensary see Metropolitan Provident Medical Association
Bloomsbury Provident Eye Hospital
Blue Coat School see French Protestant School of Westminster
Bridge, The see Prison-Gate Home
British and Foreign Mission see Country Towns Mission
British Asylum for Deaf and Dumb Females
British College of Health
British Hospital for Diseases of the Skin
British Hospital for Functional Nervous Disorders see British Hospital for Mental Disorders and Brain Diseases
British Hospital for Mental Disorders and Brain Diseases
British Library see British Museum
British Museum
British National Association of Spiritualists
Browning Society
Brunswick Square Ragged School see Ragged School 15 November, 2011ons/burton_street_hall.htm">Burton Street Hall


Caledonian Church see National Scotch Church
Cary’s Academy see Sass’s Drawing Academy
Catholic Apostolic Church Gordon Square
Catholic Apostolic congregation of Edward Irving Royal London Bazaar
Catholic Schools of Compassion
Cavendish Society
Central Association of Spiritualists see British National Association of Spiritualists
Central London Ophthalmic Hospital
Central London Throat Nose and Ear Hospital
Chenies Chambers see Ladies’ Dwellings Company
Chenies Street Chambers see Ladies’ Dwellings Company
Charlotte Street School of Medicine
Charlwood Alliance Properties Ltd see East End Dwellings Company
Charlwood Properties Ltd see East End Dwellings Company
Christian Young Men’s Society
Church of Humanity
City and Town Mission Society see Country Towns Mission
Clarity: Employment for Blind People see Blind Institute
Clerical Medical see Medical, Clerical, and General Life Assurance Society
Clewer Embroidery Room see Sisterhood of St John Baptist, Clewer
“Cockney College” see University College London
College for Men and Women see Working Women’s College
College for Women and Men see Working Men’s College
College for Working Women
College Hall
College Hall of Residence for Women Students in London, The see College Hall
College of Preceptors
College of Teachers see College of Preceptors
Community of St Andrew see North London Deaconesses’ Institution
Community of St John Baptist see Sisterhood of St John Baptist, Clewer
Co-Operative Society see London Co-Operative Society
Country Towns Mission
Country Towns Mission Society see Country Towns Mission
Coward College
Crew and Spencer’s see Crew’s Circulating Library
Crew’s Circulating Library
Cromer Street Chapel see Baptist Chapel Cromer Street


Deaconess Community of St Andrew see North London Deaconesses’ Institution
Deaf and Dumb Home see Jews’ Deaf and Dumb Home
Dr Williams’s Library


Eagle Street Meeting House see Kingsgate Baptist Chapel
East End Dwellings Company
East Grinstead Sisters see Hospital of the Anglican Sisterhood of East Grinstead
Education Guild of Great Britain and Ireland see Teachers’ Guild of Great Britain and Ireland
EEDC see East End Dwellings Company
Egypt Exploration Fund
Egypt Exploration Society see Egypt Exploration Fund
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital see New Hospital for Women
English Homœopathic Association see Hahnemann Hospital
English Monthly Tract Society
English Presbyterian College see Presbyterian College
Entomological Society
Entomological Society of London see Entomological Society
Episcopal Chapel of St John see St John’s Chapel
Equitable Labour Exchange
Ethical Society see London Ethical Society


Fegan’s Homes see Society for the Rescue of Young Women and Children
Fegans Homes see Society for the Rescue of Young Women and Children
Fellowship of the New Life
Female Aid Society
Female Education Society see Society for Promoting Female Education in China, India, and the East
Female Preventive and Reformatory Institution

Female School of Art
Female School of Design see Female School of Art
Firm, The
Fondazione Mazzini Garibaldi, La, see Mazzini Garibaldi Club
Forbes Winslow Memorial Hospital see British Hospital for Mental Disorders and Brain Diseases
Foundling Hospital
Frances Martin College see College for Working Women
Frances Martin College for Women see College for Working Women
Francis Joseph Institute see London Hungarian Association
French Protestant Church
French Protestant Church School see French Protestant School of Westminster
French Protestant School of Westminster
French Protestant Episcopal Church see French Protestant Church
French Protestant Episcopal Church of the Savoy see French Protestant Church
Friendless Home see Female Aid Society
Froebel Society
Froebel Society for the Promotion of the Kindergarten System for Education see Froebel Society
Froebelian Kindergarten and Association School


General Welfare of the Blind (GWB) see Blind Institute
Geologists’ Association
George Street Model Lodging House see Society for Improving the Conditions of the Labouring Classes
Gilchrist Educational Trust
“Godless Institution of Gower Street” see University College London
Gordon College
Gordon College for Ladies see Gordon College
Gordon House

Government School of Art for Ladies see Female School of Art
Gower Street Chapel
Gower Street School see Female School of Art
Gower Street School for Girls
Grant Museum see Grant’s Museum of Zoology
Grant’s Museum of Zoology
Graphic Society
Great Ormond Street Hospital see Hospital for Sick Children


Hackney and New College, University of London see Coward College
Hahnemann Hospital

Hahnemann Medical Society see Hahnemann Hospital
Harris Manchester College see Manchester New College
Harris Manchester College Oxford see Manchester New College
Health Exhibition Centre see Parkes Museum
High Class School for Girls see Jewish High School for Girls and Day Training College for Teachers
Home and Colonial Infant School Society see Home and Colonial School Society
Home and Colonial Infant and Juvenile School Society see Home and Colonial School Society
Home and Colonial School Society
Home and Registry for Female Servants see Female Aid Society
Home for Deserted Mothers see Main Memorial Home for Deserted Mothers
Home for Deserted Mothers and their Children see Main Memorial Home for Deserted Mothers
Home for female art students see Home for Lady Art Students
Home for Friendless Girls see Female Aid Society
Home for Friendless Young Females see Female Aid Society
Home for Friendless Young Females of Good Character see Female Aid Society
Home for Gentlewomen
Home for Incurables
Home for Lady Art Students
Home for Penitent Women see Female Aid Society
Home for the Aged and Incurable see Home for Incurables
Home for Workhouse Girls see Industrial Home
Home for Working Boys see Homes for Working Boys
Home for Young Women see Industrial Home
Home for Youths
Home of Hope
Homes for Working Boys
Homes of Hope see Home of Hope
Homes of Hope for the Restoration of Fallen and the Protection of Friendless Young Women see Home of Hope
Horse Bazaar see Royal London Bazaar
Hospital for Hip Diseases in Childhood see House of Relief for Children with Chronic Disease of the Joints
Hospital for Sick Children
Hospital for Spinal Deformities see Private Spinal Institution
Hospital for the Maintenance and Education of Exposed and Deserted Young Children see Foundling Hospital
Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth
Hospital of the Anglican Sisterhood of East Grinstead see Anglican Sisterhood of East Grinstead
Hospital Saturday Fund
House of Relief for Children with Chronic Disease of the Joints
Humanistic Schools see Froebelian Kindergarten and Association School
Hunter Street Academy


Incorporated Association for the General Welfare of the Blind see Blind Institute
Incorporated Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes see Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes
Indigent Blind Relief Society see Blind Poor Relief Society
Indigent Blind Visiting Society see Blind Indigent Visiting Society
Indigent Refuge
Industrial Home
Industrial Home for Gentlewomen see Home for Gentlewomen
Industrial Home for Gentlewomen suffering under the Reverse of Fortune see Home for Gentlewomen
Industrial Home for Indigent Gentlewomen see Home for Gentlewomen
Infant Home and Refuge for Deserted Mothers see Main Memorial Home for Deserted Mothers
Infant School Society see Home and Colonial School Society
Infants’ Home see Main Memorial Home for Deserted Mothers
Institute of the Industrious Classes see Royal London Bazaar
Institution for the Cure and Prevention of Contagious Fevers
Institution of the Society to Remove the Cause of Poverty and Ignorance and Equitable Labour Exchange see Royal London Bazaar
Institution of the Working Classes
Irish Free School
Italian Hospital


Jewish High School for Girls see Jewish High School for Girls and Day Training College for Teachers
Jewish High School for Girls and Day Training College for Teachers

Jewish High School for Girls and Training School for Teachers see Jewish High School for Girls and Day Training College for Teachers
Jewish Middle Class School see Jewish High School for Girls and Day Training College for Teachers
Jews’ College
Jews’ Deaf and Dumb Home
Jews’ Deaf and Dumb School
“John and Lizzie’s” see Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth
John Street Baptist Chapel
John Street Chapel see John Street Baptist Chapel
Junior School of University College see University College School


Keppel Street Chapel see Baptist Chapel Keppel Street
Kindergarten movement see Humanistic Schools
Kingsgate Baptist Chapel


Labourer’s Friend Society see Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes
Ladies’ Charity Home for Girls see Ladies’ Charity School
Ladies’ Charity School
Ladies’ Charity School for Training Girls as Servants see Ladies’ Charity School
Ladies’ College
Ladies’ Dwellings Company
Ladies’ Residential Chambers Ltd see Ladies’ Dwellings Company
Ladies’ Samaritan Society
Ladies’ Society for Promoting the Mental Improvement and Religious Welfare of Jewesses
Levertons Charity see Thomas Leverton’s Charity
Literary Fund see Royal Literary Fund
Literary Fund Society see Royal Literary Fund
London Bible and Domestic Female Mission see London Bible and Domestic Female Mission and Ranyard Nurses
London Bible and Domestic Female Mission and Ranyard Nurses
London Cabmen’s Mission
London Catholic Ragged School see Catholic Schools of Compassion
London Christian Young Men’s Society see Christian Young Men’s Society
London City Mission
London Co-Operative Society
London Diocesan Deaconess Institution see North London Deaconesses’ Institution
London Dispensary for Diseases and Ulcerations of the Legs see London Infirmary for Diseases of the Legs
London Ethical Society
London Female Mission see Female Aid Society
London Female Preventive and Reformatory Institution see Female Preventive and Reformatory Institution
London Fever Hospital see Institution for the Cure and Prevention of Contagious Fevers
London Free Hospital see Royal Free Hospital
London General Institution for the Gratuitous Cure of Malignant Diseases see Royal Free Hospital
London High School
London Homœopathic Hospital
London Hospital for Sick Children see Hospital for Sick Children
London Hungarian Association
London Hungarian Association of Benevolence see London Hungarian Association
London Infirmary for Diseases of the Legs see London Infirmary for Diseases of the Legs, Ulcers and Varicose Veins
London Infirmary for Diseases of the Legs, Ulcers and Varicose Veins
London Infirmary for Diseases of the Skin
London Mathematical Society
London Mendicity Society see Society for the Suppression of Mendicity
London Oriental Institution
London Oriental Institution for Indian Language and Literature see London Oriental Institution
London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women see London School of Medicine for Women
London School of Ethics and Social Philosophy
London School of Homœopathy see Hahnemann Hospital
London School of Jewish Studies see Jews’ College
London School of Medicine for Women
London Society for Printing and Publishing the Works of Emanuel Swedenborg see Swedenborg Society
London Society for Teaching the Blind to Read
London Temperance Hospital
London University see University College London
London University College School see University College School
London University School see University College School
Lord’s Day of Rest Association


Madame Tussaud’s Waxworks
Madame Tussauds see Madame Tussaud’s Waxworks
Main Memorial Home for Deserted Mothers
Manchester Academy see Manchester New College
Manchester College see Manchester New College
Manchester New College
Manchester Street School
Marchmont Hall
Mary Ward Centre see Passmore Edwards Settlement
Mary Ward Settlement see Passmore Edwards Settlement
Maternity Institution see All Saints’ Invalid Home
Maternity Nursing Association see Maternity Nursing Mission
Maternity Nursing Mission
Mazzini Garibaldi Charitable Foundation see Mazzini Garibaldi Club
Mazzini Garibaldi Club
Medical and Chirurgical Society
Medical Benevolent Society
Medical Graduates’ College and Polyclinic
Medical Missionary Association see St Pancras Medical Mission
Medical Service Ministries see Missionary School of Medicine
Mendicity Society see Society for the Suppression of Mendicity
Metropolitan and National Nursing Association
Metropolitan and National Nursing Association for Providing Trained Nurses for the Sick Poor see Metropolitan and National Nursing Association
Metropolitan Medical Association see Metropolitan Provident Medical Association
Metropolitan Provident Medical Association
Metropolitan School of Art for Females see Female School of Art
Midnight Meeting Movement
Midnight Meeting Movement for the Rescue and Reclamation of Fallen Women see Midnight Meeting Movement
Missionary School of Medicine
Miss Stride’s Home for Destitute Girls and Fallen Women
Model Buildings see Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes
Model Dwellings for Families see Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes
Model Houses for Families see Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes
Model Soup Kitchen
Morris & Co see The Firm
Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co see The Firm
Mrs Weldon’s Orphanage see National Training School of Music
Mudie’s see Mudie’s Circulating Library
Mudie’s Circulating Library
Mudie’s Select Library see Mudie’s Circulating Library


National Benevolent Institute see National Benevolent Institution
National Benevolent Institution
National Equitable Labour Exchange see Institution of the Society to Remove the Cause of Poverty and Ignorance and Equitable Labour Exchange
National Free Dispensary for Consumption and Wasting Diseases
National Free Institution for Diseases of the Skin see National Institution for Diseases of the Skin
National Guardian Institution
National Guardian Institution for Servants see National Guardian Institution
National Froebel Union see Froebel Society
National Hospital see National Hospital for Nervous Diseases
National Hospital for Nervous Diseases
National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic see National Hospital for Nervous Diseases
National Hospital, Queen Square, for Diseases of the Nervous System including Paralysis and Epilepsy see National Hospital for Nervous Diseases
National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN) see National Hospital for Nervous Diseases
National Institution for Diseases of the Skin
National School Dutton Street
National Scotch Church
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children see Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
National Temperance Hospital see London Temperance Hospital
National Training School of Dancing
National Training School of Music
National Training School of Music at Tavistock House see National Training School of Music
National Union of Elementary Teachers see National Union of Teachers
National Union of Teachers
Natural History Agency
Natural History Museum see British Museum
Neu-Apostolische Kirche see Catholic Apostolic Church
New Apostolic Church see Catholic Apostolic Church
New College London see Coward College
New College London Foundation see Coward College
New College, Hampstead see Coward College
New College, St John’s Wood see Coward College
New Hospital for Women
New Jerusalem Church
New Providence Chapel
New Rupture Society see Rupture Society
New Rupture Society for the Relief of both Sexes, afflicted with Herniary Complaints and Prolapses see Rupture Society
Night Refuge
Night School for working men
Nightingale Lane Residential School for Deaf Children see Jews’ Deaf and Dumb Home
North London Deaconess Institution see North London Deaconesses’ Institution
North London Deaconesses’ Institution
North London Horse and Carriage Repository see Royal London Bazaar
North London Horse Depository see Royal London Bazaar
North London Hospital see University College Hospital
North London Hospital for Consumption
Northern Dispensary George Street see University College Hospital
Northern Dispensary Somers Place West/Euston Road see St Pancras and Northern Dispensary
Nursing Home for the Elderly and Incurable see Home for Incurables


Open Air Mission
Open-Air Mission see Open Air Mission
Open-All-Night Refuge see Night Refuge
Orthopaedic Institution see Royal Orthopaedic Hospital
Ospedale Italiano see Italian Hospital
Out-Patients’ Hospital for the Treatment of Mental Diseases see British Hospital for Mental Disorders and Brain Diseases


Paddington Clinic and Day Hospital see British Hospital for Mental Disorders and Brain Diseases
Paddington Centre for Psychotherapy see British Hospital for Mental Disorders and Brain Diseases
Palace of Hygiene
Panarmion see Panarmion Project
Panarmion Project
Panarmonion see Panarmion Project
Parkes Museum
Parkes Museum of Hygiene see Parkes Museum
Parnell House see Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes
Passmore Edwards Settlement
Peabody Buildings see Peabody Trust
Peabody Trust
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
Philanthropic Institution House see
Philological Society
Photographic portrait studio
Polish Catholic Chapel
Polyclinic see Medical Graduates’ College and Polyclinic
Positivist School see Church of Humanity
Presbyterian College
Princes Street Board School
Princeton Street Board School see Princes Street Board School
Prison-Gate Brigate Home see Prison-Gate Home
Prison-Gate Home
Private Spinal Institution
Progressive Society of Carpenters and Joiners
Proprietary Episcopal Chapel see New Providence Chapel
Prospect Terrace Board School
Prospect Terrace School see Prospect Terrace Board School
Provident Surgical Appliance Society


Queen Square School of Art see Female School of Art
Quekett, The see Quekett Microscopical Club
Quekett Microscopical Club


Ragged School, Dunn’s Passage see Catholic Schools of Compassion
Ragged School for Boys

Ragged Sunday School
Ranyard Mission see London Bible and Domestic Female Mission and Ranyard Nurses
Ranyard Nurses see London Bible and Domestic Female Mission and Ranyard Nurses
Receiving station Argyle Street see Prison-Gate Home
Refuge for Deserted Mothers and their Children see Main Memorial Home for Deserted Mothers
Refuge for Indigent Females see Indigent Refuge
Refuge for Indigent Young Females see Female Aid Society
Rescue Society see Society for the Rescue of Young Women and Children
Residential School for Deaf Children see Jews’ Deaf and Dumb Home
Rossie House see Homes for Working Boys
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
Royal Entomological Society see Entomological Society
Royal Female School of Art see Female School of Art
Royal Free Hospital
Royal Free Hospital for the Destitute Sick see Royal Free Hospital
Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine for Women see London School of Medicine for Women
Royal Literary Fund
Royal London Bazaar
Royal London Homœopathic Hospital see London Homœopathic Hospital
Royal London Society for the Blind see London Society for Teaching the Blind to Read
Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London see Medical and Chirurgical Society
Royal National Institute for the Deaf
Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital see Central London Throat Nose and Ear Hospital
Royal Oak Benefit Building Society see Royal Oak Benefit Society
Royal Oak Benefit Society
Royal Orthopaedic Hospital
Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain see Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
Royal Sanitary Institute see Parkes Museum
Royal Society for Public Health see Parkes Museum
Royal Society for the Promotion of Health see Parkes Museum
Royal Society of Medicine see Medical and Chirurgical Society
Rupture Society
Rupture Society for the Supply of Trusses to the Indigent Poor of both Sexes see Rupture Society
Russell House
Russell Institution see Russell Institution for the Promotion of Literary and Scientific Knowledge
Russell Institution for the Promotion of Literary and Scientific Knowledge
Russell Literary and Scientific Institution see Russell Institution for the Promotion of Literary and Scientific Knowledge


St Alban’s Mission see Sisterhood of St John Baptist, Clewer
Andrew’s Chapel see Woburn Chapel
St Andrew’s Church see Woburn Chapel
St Andrew’s Fine Art Gallery see Woburn Chapel
St Andrew’s Hall see Woburn Chapel
St Andrew’s House see Woburn Chapel
St Andrew’s Temple see Woburn Chapel
St Bartholomew’s Chapel see New Providence Chapel
St Christopher’s Fellowship see Homes for Working Boys
St John’s Chapel
St John’s Servants’ School
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School see Catholic Schools of Compassion
St Katherine’s, Queen Square see Anglican Sisterhood of East Grinstead
St Luke’s Home
St Luke’s Home for Epileptic and Infirm Women see St Luke’s Home
St Mary’s Dispensary for Women see New Hospital for Women
St Pancras and Northern Dispensary
St Pancras Medical Mission
St Pancras Royal General Dispensary
St Paul’s Hospital for Skin and Genito-Urinary Diseases
St Paul's Hospital for Diseases (including Cancer) of the Genito-Urinary Organs and Skin see St Paul’s Hospital for Skin and Genito-Urinary Diseases
St Peter’s National School see National School Dutton Street
St Peter’s School see National School Dutton Street
St Saviour’s Priory, Society of St Margaret see Hospital of the Anglican Sisterhood of East Grinstead
St Vincent de Paul Society (England and Wales) see Society of St Vincent de Paul
Sampson Low’s Circulating Library
Sanitary Institute see Parkes Museum
Sass’s Drawing Academy
Sass’s School for Drawing and Painting see Sass’s Drawing Academy
School of Design see Sass’s Drawing Academy
School of Design for Females see Female School of Art
School of Ecclesiastic Embroidery see Anglican Sisterhood of East Grinstead
School of Pharmacy see Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
Schools of Our Lady of Compassion see Catholic Schools of Compassion
SDUK see Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
Servants’ Home see Female Aid Society
Servants’ School see St John’s Servants’ School
Shelley Society
Sisterhood of St John Baptist, Clewer
Sisters of Mercy see Sisterhood of St John Baptist, Clewer
The Slade see Slade School of Art
Slade School of Art
Slade School of Fine Art see Slade School of Art
Smallpox Hospital
Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes
Society for Promoting Female Education in China, India, and the East
Society for Promoting Female Education in the East see Society for Promoting Female Education in China, India, and the East
Society for Promoting Industry and Religious Instruction amongst the Jews of Both Sexes
Society for Promoting the Employment of Women
Society for Promoting the Training of Women see Society for Promoting the Employment of Women
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
Society for the Rescue of Young Women and Children
Society for the Suppression of Mendicity
Society of Biblical Archaeology
Society of Hope for Young Women and Children see Society for the Rescue of Young Women and Children
Society of Hygeists see British College of Health
Society of St Margaret (East Grinstead) see Hospital of the Anglican Sisterhood of East Grinstead
Society of St Vincent de Paul
Society of Teachers see College of Preceptors
Society to Remove the Causes of Poverty and Ignorance
Soup Brewery
Spencer’s Library see Crew’s Circulating Library
SPAB see Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
SPEW see Society for Promoting the Employment of Women
SPTW see Society for Promoting the Employment of Women
Starcross Upper School see Prospect Terrace Board School
Store Street Meeting House see Baptist Chapel Keppel Street
Streatham Street Buildings see Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes
Students’ Home see Home for Lady Art Students
Surgical Appliance Society (Provident) see Provident Surgical Appliance Society
SVP see Society of St Vincent de Paul
Swedenborg Society
Sydenham College see Sydenham College of Anatomy
Sydenham College Medical School see Sydenham College of Anatomy
Sydenham College of Anatomy


Tavistock Chapel see Woburn Chapel
Tavistock Place Chapel see Woburn Chapel
Tavistock Place Training College

Teachers’ Guild of Great Britain and Ireland
Temperance Hospital see London Temperance Hospital
Theatre of Anatomy
Theobald’s Road Institution see Institution of the Working Classes
Thomas Cooke’s School of Anatomy
Thomas Leverton’s Charity
Tottenham Court Road Chapel see Whitefield’s Chapel
Town Mission and Scripture Readers’ Society see Country Towns Mission
Tutorial College see University Tutorial College


UCL see University College London
University Church of Christ the King see Catholic Apostolic Church of Christ the King
University College Hospital
University College London
University College Mathematical Society see London Mathematical Society
University College Medical School
University College School
University Hall
University of London (until 1836) see University College London
University of London (from 1836)
University of London School see University College School
University School see London High School
University Tutorial College


Victoria Press


West Central Collegiate Day School
West Central Collegiate Day School for Girls see West Central Collegiate Day School
West London Synagogue of British Jews

West Metropolitan Jewish School see Jewish High School for Girls and Day Training College for Teachers
West Metropolitan Jewish School for Middle Class Pupils see Jewish High School for Girls and Day Training College for Teachers
Western Ophthalmic Institution
Westminster College, Cambridge see Presbyterian College
Whitefield’s Chapel
Whitefield’s Tabernacle see Whitefield’s Chapel
Whitfield Chapel see Whitefield’s Chapel
William Hillyer’s soup shop see Soup Brewery
Woburn Chapel
Woburn Episcopal Chapel see Woburn Chapel
Woodside Home for Incurable or Infirm Women see Home for Incurables
Workhouse Visiting Society
Working Men’s College
Working Men’s Lord’s Day Rest Association see Lord’s Day of Rest Association
Working Women’s College
Wymondley College see Coward College


Young Men’s Society for Religious Improvement see Christian Young Men’s Society

This page last modified 15 November, 2011 by Deborah Colville


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