

UCL Division of Biosciences


Division of Biosciences awarded Athena Swan Silver Award!

23 November 2023

The UCL Division of Biosciences is delighted to announce it has been awarded an Athena Swan Silver Award by Advance HE.

Athena Swan silver logo

The application was submitted by the Division’s Athena Swan Self-Assessment Team (SAT) and was a huge collaborative effort across the whole Division.  Enormous gratitude is extended to the SAT members as well as thanks to all other staff and students who contributed via the multiple questionnaires and focus groups that took place in order to gather data and feedback for the application.    

The Athena Swan Charter is a framework across the globe to support and transform gender equality within higher education (HE) and research, encompassing representation, progression and success for all.  It encourages institutions to meet equality legislation requirements, as well as the requirements and expectations of some funders and research councils.

The SAT members involved in this application submission were:

Biosciences Athena Swan SAT