

UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering


Women Engineers – Portrait of the Changing Face of Engineering

2 June 2021

UCL Biochemical Engineering’s Professor Eli Keshavarz-Moore and alumnus Dr Ranna Eardley-Patel feature in a photo series by Geraldine Curtis intended to raise the profile of women in engineering, which is now available in an online booklet

Dr Ranna Eardley-Patel in UCL Biochemical Engineering laboratory

At the start of 2018, Derbyshire-based photographer Geraldine Curtis learned that less than 13% of the UK’s engineers are female. She decided to do something about this. She spent the next two years photographing women engineers. The resulting 19 photographs - which aim to raise the profile of and showcase women engineers - were exhibited at Derby University in 2020, and have now been turned into a digital booklet to celebrate International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) 2021, complete with a foreword from Sarah Munby, the Permanent Secretary at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

“The fruits of the fun afternoon that Eli and I had taking photos in the UCL Advanced Centre Biochemical Engineering facilities have been transformed into a booklet to celebrate INWED 2021 hosted online by WES. Proud to be UCLBE alumni!”

These images are being shared throughout June on social media, look up the hashtags #INWED21 #EngineeringHeroes #WomenInSTEM
