

The Bartlett


Socially Just Planning Doctoral Network

The Socially Just Planning Doctoral Network was created to discuss on-going research projects and initiatives, to develop ideas of social justice and equity around the field of planning.

An communal public square surrounded by buildings with lots of people walking and interacting with each other
The Socially Just Planning Doctoral Network is created to discuss ongoing research projects and initiatives, contributing to developing ideas of social justice and equity around the field of planning. This will be done through the fields of Urban Planning, Transport, Regeneration, Urban Design, Architecture, International Urban Policy and Development as different, yet related lines of research.

Originally founded as The Socially Just Transport Doctoral Network, SJP now covers a wider range of subjects related to urban and regional planning with a strong focus on social, economic and environmental issues. On this basis, we are exploring the possibility to bring in more interdisciplinary perspectives and methods to deepen our understanding of planning practices for development. 

By inviting academic staff within the faculty and visiting scholars to join us in different types of seminars and public events, we are particularly keen to foster the connection and communication between PhD students and people in relevant research areas. We expect to foster interactions between academics working in similar research and help PhD students develop networking and presentation skills, useful tools for future conferences and training options. 


The Socially Just Planning Seminars aim to set the basis of the Doctoral Network, considering the realisation of a Seminar Series to involve people from the PhD in Planning Studies along with other departments from The Bartlett, as well as PhD students and staff from other faculties at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË and other Universities. 

We also focus on networking by complementing our seminars with social events and after-lectures activities, to boost interactions between people working on similar subjects. This will help PhD students to develop networking and presentation skills, useful tools for future conferences and training options. The interaction between presenters will also be relevant for the learning process, creating instances where the mature knowledge of more experienced researchers converges with the potential of the exciting freshness of young researchers.


  • Engage doctoral students from different departments within the Bartlett, with interests in planning and social matters in cross-departmental initiatives, fostering the exchange of ideas and networking. 
  • Develop activities with existing research groups at BSP and UCL or initiate collaboration with other UCL departments related to the topics of interest (e.g., engineering, geography, among others). 
  • Promote seminars and interchange of ideas, critical visions, and methodologies to solve social constraints concerning planning effects. 
  • Link transport, regeneration, comparative urbanism and public space studies under the umbrella term to create a wider network for knowledge information exchange that could provide deeper insights into social challenges in today’s cities.

Socially Just Planning Seminars Sessions

Each of the Socially Just Planning Seminars Sessions explores different dimensions through which Planning, Transport, Regeneration, Urban Design, Architecture, International Urban Policy and Development interact with social justice and space. Thus, while the topics of discussion vary in each seminar, they inevitably present the different aspects in which planning involves directly to the production of social realities through the urban form. 

Our last seminar series have covered different dimensions within the scope of housing and social justice, and different approaches to planning and organisation of public spaces and their impacts on social dynamics. After a long period of online-seminars during the pandemic, we are now back to in-person events, although we keep the chances open to remote events when needed.  

During the 2022-2023 academic year, the Socially Just Planning Doctoral Network hosted 16 events with 20 speakers from the UK, Europe, the Americas and Asia. 

The diversity of presenters included academics from UCL departments such as the Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU), the Bartlett School of Architecture (BSA) as well as research institutes beyond UCL, including KU Leuven, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Copenhagen University, University College Dublin, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and others. The diversity of presenters includes academics, PhD students and activists. All of these presenters showcased interesting works which respond to the socially just challenge in different ways. These discussions enabled thought-provoking environments for new planning ideas. 

By the end of each academic year, we host a final social event including a final seminar, a general account of the activities made in the past year and a networking final dinner with previous presenters and members of the network. We also take this opportunity to invite new people to join the Socially Just Planning Doctoral Network.

These pictures of previous seminars from past academic years show the format and delivery of our seminars: 

Students at a seminar

Students at a seminar



Alejandro Díaz Medalla, Bartlett School of Planning
Email: alejandro.medalla.21@ucl.ac.uk

Chong, Alexandria, Bartlett Development Planning Unit

Ying-Chun Hou, Bartlett School of Planning

Yaxi Deng, Bartlett School of Planning
Email: yaxi.deng.21@ucl.ac.uk

Yuhan Ji, Bartlett School of Architecture

Mengci Xiao,  Bartlett School of Planning

Xuewei Chen,  Bartlett School of Planning

Jingyi Zhu, Bartlett School of Planning

Karla Barrantes Chaves, Bartlett School of Planning

Monica Lopez Franco, Bartlett School of Planning

Mengqiu Cao, Bartlett School of Planning

Stay in touch 


We regularly post event information on Instagram and Twitter. Please follow our accounts to receive event booking information and be part of our ongoing discussion.

We maintain an event archive on our Facebook, where you can watch recordings of past seminars.