

UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose


Mission Critical : Statecraft for the 21st Century

Authored by Mariana Mazzucato (with Sarah Doyle, Nick Kimber, Dan Wainwright and Grace Wyld).

Mission critical

30 May 2024

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This year provides a rare moment for the UK: a potential change of nationalÌýadministration could trigger a radical shift in the way government isÌýstructured and delivered. The challenges facing the country have rarelyÌýbeen greater and more complex, and the prevailing model of governmentÌýas it is currently constructed is not up to the task of tackling them.

This report explores mission-driven government as an alternative theoryÌýand practice of statecraft to meet the scale of today’s challenges, appliedÌýspecifically to the context of a possible progressive UK government. In doingÌýthis, the paper connects the strategic intent of a missions approach withÌýthe practical challenges of UK governance.

This research draws on expert interviews and builds out from the seminal workÌýof author Professor Mariana Mazzucato at the UCL Institute for Innovation andÌýPublic Purpose (IIPP). She has established clear criteria for missions (Mazzucato,Ìý2019) and made the case for mission-oriented government (Mazzucato, 2021).ÌýIIPP has extensive experience of working with governments and organisationsÌýaround the world to implement the mission-oriented approach, includingÌýCamden Council, who have been at the forefront of operationalising a mission-oriented approach to public service delivery and organisational change.

The overriding philosophy running through this report is leading with purpose,Ìýgoverning in partnership In short, this means recognising the critical and legitimateÌýrole the UK government has in providing a strong direction for society andÌýthe economy, while at the same time having the humility to know that it cannotÌýdeliver missions alone. As a result, mission-driven government would invest inÌýthe strategies needed to work collaboratively in broad coalitions across andÌýbeyond the state.

The report is divided into six chapters. Each explores A) a core principle forÌýmission-driven government, B) the reality of today’s UK political context andÌýC) the strategies an incoming progressive government should consider.


  • Mariana Mazzucato |ÌýFounding Director and Professor in the Economics of Innovation and Public Value |ÌýUCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) (withÌýSarah Doyle, Director’s Head of Policy|ÌýUCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP);Ìý, Director of Strategy and Design at London Borough of Camden;Ìý, Portfolio LeadÌýat London Borough of CamdenÌý,ÌýHead of Policy andÌýProgrammes at The Future Governance Forum).


Mazzucato, M., et al. (2024). Mission Critical : Statecraft for the 21st Century.ÌýUCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, Policy Report 2024/04.ÌýAvailable at:Ìý/bartlett/public-purpose/publications/2024/may/mission-critical-statecraft-21st-century.

Key messages

Mission Critical: Statecraft for the 21st CenturyÌýsets out how to design and implement mission-driven governance in the UK, building on IIPP’s longstanding engagement with partners worldwide, from city councils to national administrations and multilateral organizations, in developing and implementing mission-oriented policies. The report’s key recommendations include:ÌýÌý

  • Establish #missions as the first priority across Whitehall from day 1, with the backing of the Prime Minister and Chancellor.Ìý
  • Take a whole-of-government approach, with mission delivery driven by a cross-ministerial Missions Unit and by mission teams (or mission boards), and with missions-orientation embedded in the day-to-day work of civil servants.Ìý
  • Lead with purpose and govern in partnership, orchestrating actors from across sectors, ministries and tiers of government to work together towards a mission-oriented industrial strategy that sets a clear direction for cross-sectoral innovation, investment and growth and enables bottom-up, local-level solutions development.Ìý
  • Send clear signals that the government is seeking willing business and union partners to achieve its missions, and design public-private collaboration to share both risks and rewards.Ìý
  • Refresh the Treasury’s mandate and redesign public finance tools and institutions - including budget processes, public procurement and public financial institutions - to align with mission goals.Ìý
  • Invest in the renewal of governing capabilities, building up teams and institutions with the in-house expertise necessary for mission delivery, building on the success of, for example, the Government Digital Service.Ìý
