

The Bartlett School of Planning


Place Alliance launches new report "Place Value and the Ladder of Place Quality"

12 April 2019

Front cover of Place Alliance's report 'the Ladder of Place Quality'
“The Ladder of Place Quality is a simple tool for decision-makers to use when considering: are we making a great place?

 Place Alliance have released a guide for decision making about the built environment, supported by the .

The report, , outlines in simple terms what spatial qualities add value to places—in regard to health, social, economic and environmental outcomes—and what qualities do not. 

Based on UCL Professor Matthew Carmona’s work on place value, place quality and its impact on health, social, economic and environmental outcomes, this report uncovers the truth about the qualities of the built environment that are good for us and deliver place value. The research backing the report is compiled in an open-source website that is continually updated with new empirical evidence:  

Through the Ladder of Place Quality, this report presents a simple tool for architects, planners, councillors, developers and citizens to quickly assess and advocate for high quality places when making policy, project or investment decisions that affect the built environment.
Based on a systematic review of robust research evidence, the report demonstrates how better designed places deliver substantial economic, social, environmental and health benefits to local populations, and also indicates the sorts of qualities that we should aspire to deliver (and avoid) in order to maximise those benefits to people.

The report, produced and published by , can be downloaded from the Place Alliance .

Place Alliance hope you find the report and wiki useful in your work. In exchange they would love to know if you have found the work of the Place Alliance helpful. This might relate to their research, advocacy, Big Meets, summer schools, working groups, or anything else. If you have time, please fill in their quick  so that they can carry on doing it!  It won’t take more than a minute!