

UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering


One Brighton Building Performance Evaluation in Use Monitoring

One Brighton is a mixed-use development designed by Feliden Clegg Bradley studios

30 November 2016

Key facts

  • Funding Body/Client:  Technology Strategy Board 
  • Project Partners:  UCL Energy Institute and Good Home Alliance (UCL and non-UCL Partners)
  • Total Project Value:Ìý±·/´¡
  • UCL/IEDE Project Value Share: £ 175,000
  • Duration:Ìý2010-2013
  • Status:Ìý°ä´Ç³¾±è±ô±ð³Ù±ð

Buildings currently account for nearly half of the UK’s CO2 emissions, with domestic energy consumption accounting for about 20% of the total. Since 1990, despite tighter building regulations relating to the conservation of fuel and power, energy efficiency campaigns and subsidised energy conservation measures, CO2 emissions for space and water heating have remained stubbornly level.

One Brighton is a mixed-use development designed by Feliden Clegg Bradley studios comprising 172 residential units, office space and 929 m2 of community space. It was designed in accordance with the 10 One Planet Living Principles. The building is constructed from a low carbon concrete frame with 50% cement replacement and 100% recycled aggregate concrete and is in-filled with honeycomb clay block walls and wood fibre insulation. The highly insulated building fabric has led to a tested Heat Loss Parameter (HLP) of 0.86 W/m2/K. Heating and hot water has been supplied by a 500kW communal biomass boiler and a 9.5kWp PV roof mounted array supplies.  

These systems are managed by a community Energy Services Company (ESCo). Heat is supplied to each residential unit through a heating coil in each homes Mechanical Ventilation system, the ventilation system also contains an element of heat recovery. The TSB BPE in-use monitoring is being carried out on residential units only.  5 dwellings are undergoing detailed monitoring of energy use and internal comfort conditions.  UCL, who installed the monitoring equipment and are carrying out much of the analysis have found some interesting variations in the amount and proportions of different energy uses between the 5 apartments.


PI: Robert Lowe

Co-I: Hector Altamirano 


This project considered the factors which affect energy use in the home and explored the role new buildings can play in reducing energy and resource consumption. It also investigated to what extent One Brighton can deliver a sustainable living solution to all of its occupants. Several publications will be prepared. 


The project aims to provide information and encourage knowledge sharing and networking between all those involved and interested in Building Performance Evaluation and to encourage more people to look at the benefits of BPE. 


For further information please contact: Hector Altamirano