

UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering


Simulation of pollution transport in buildings: The importance of taking into account dynamic thermal effects


1 January 2014

The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers.The recent introduction of the Generic Contaminant Model in EnergyPlus allows for the integrated modelling of multizone contaminant and dynamic thermal behaviour within a single simulation package. This article demonstrates how dynamic thermal simulation can modify pollutant transport within a building. PM2.5 infiltration from the external to internal environment under dynamic thermal conditions is compared in CONTAM, EnergyPlus 8.0, and Polluto, an in-house pollutant transport model developed in EnergyPlus 3.1. The influence of internal temperature on indoor PM2.5 levels is investigated by comparing results from standard CONTAM simulations and dynamic thermal EnergyPlus 8 simulations. Circumstances where the predictions of such models can diverge are identified.Practical application:This technical note compares the performance of a new indoor air quality model in EnergyPlus, an EnergyPlus in-house model (Polluto), and an established model (CONTAM). The work then compares the results of indoor air quality models under static and dynamic internal temperature conditions, and demonstrates how predicted indoor pollution levels may deviate significantly if an inappropriate indoor temperature is used. Practically, the work provides confidence in the new models, as well as demonstrating the importance of having a good understanding of the thermal behaviour of a building when modelling indoor air quality.

Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 35 (6), 682-690. 

Taylor, J., Shrubsole, C., Biddulph, P., Jones, B., Das, P., Davies, M. (2014)