

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Spatial Planning for Urban Infrastructure Investment: A Guide to Training and Practice

4 November 2011

This manual takes the trainer and user through a set of actions to produce spatial urban plans and to use them for advising decision makers on investments in services. They can be understood and executed by persons without previous spatial planning experience. Pages of the manual can be photocopied to provide instructions for distribution to trainees, as well as overhead projection transparencies for using in conducting training.

Michael Mattingly
Julio Davila

Publication Date: 2000

Exploring different dimensions of urban development planning in the context of rapid urban change, Michael Mattingly and Julio Dávila were involved in 1999-2001 in a DFID (EnKaR) funded research in urban areas in Indonesia, Nepal and India. The research entitled ‘Rapid Spatial Planning to Guide Urban Infrastructure Investment’, sought to investigate how spatial planning is actually performed and to develop case studies as a mechanism to help guide urban infrastructure investment. Findings show that very little spatial planning (rapid or otherwise) has been conducted to guide urban infrastructure investment. However, there are a good many sensible detailed ideas about how to do it, which have not been recorded nor disseminated and which have been partly validated by what has been practised. This was precisely the role of this research, which produced a training manual and a range of other outputs.