

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


DPU Working Paper - No. 86

Developments In Urban Environmental Planning and Management In Indonesia


26 July 1997

Authors: Atkinson, A.

Publication Date: 1997

With rapid urbanisation a fact of life in the developing world, in recent years many national initiatives have been taken up, particularly with the support of international and bilateral aid agencies, to improve the quality of urban management in order to ameliorate poor social and environmental conditions in the growing cities.

Although urban environmental issues cannot really be separated from urban planning and management (UPM) more generally in the past one of the main intentions of urban planning and management, stated or otherwise, was indeed to improve environmental conditions nevertheless, in recent years, "environmentalism" has brought new dimensions to the UPM process. This paper aims to discuss the implications of these new dimensions in the context of evolving urban environmental planning and management (UEPM) practice in Indonesia. 

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