

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Overseas practice engagements

'Development in Practice' is a core module of the Development Administration and Planning MSc where we conduct fieldwork in collaboration with partners in a postcolonial context.

About our overseas practice engagements

Our 'Development in Practice' module is one of the core modules of the Development Administration and Planning MSc. In this module, our students take on anoverseas practice engagement which includes a fieldwork component and working collaboratively with partners in a postcolonial context based on principles ofa) partnership with equivalence, and b) co-production of knowledge. In our overseas practice engagements, studentsquery the tools and approaches that are used to conceptualise, design, manage, monitor and evaluate development interventions. This is a excellent opportunity for our students to work in real world developmentprojects with civil society organisations and either build the foundations of their careers in development or further their existing experiences as practitioners.

Our previous overseas practice engagements

Discover where we've worked and the organisations we've partnered with in previous years:

2023: Sao Paulo, Brazil

In 2023, Development Administration and Planning MSc students and staff collaborated with , an academic institution in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Students, in groups, worked collaboratively with six civil society organisations namely Aldeia Tekoá Pyau, Ação Educativa, Casarão Brasil, Observatório Nacional dos Direitos à Água e ao Saneamento (ONDAS Brasil), Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) and Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Teto (MTST). Together with these organisations, our overseas practice engagementworked tosix thematic areas:

  1. Indigenous rights
  2. Access to education
  3. Queer rights
  4. Sanitation
  5. Food sovereignty
  6. Housing rights.  

Check out the photos from our overseas practice engagement in Sao Paulo:

Flickr Image/Slideshow Widget Placeholder

2022: Cardiff, UK /Kampala, Uganda

In 2022, our overseas practice engagementwas conducted in a hybrid mode due to international traveling restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. We collaborated with the and . The civil society organisations that participated in our overseas practice engagementincluded , , , , KALOCODE, , , and Uganda Human Settlements Network (SSA:UHSNET).

Working in groups, our Development Administration and Planning students explored thematic areas includinghousing justice, urban data infrastructure, climate change, urban agriculture and sanitation issues. Some activities were conducted by partners in Uganda virtually, whilst others were conducted by students in Cardiff in person with our partner Ugandan civil society organisations and Urban Action Lab, Makerere University.

Check out the photos from our hybrid practice engaggement in Cardiff:

Flickr Image/Slideshow Widget Placeholder

2020: Kampala, Uganda

In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our overseas practice engagementwas conducted in collaboration with virtually. The civil society organisations that participated in our practice engagement included, , , , KALOCODE, , , and Uganda Human Settlements Network (SSA:UHSNET).

2016 and 2019: Kampala, Uganda

Students on the 2019 Development Administration and Planning overseas practice engagement in Kampala, Uganda

In 2016 2019, our Development Administration and Planning MSc students examinedhow development intervention is planned and implemented in Kampala, Uganda.

Discover the outputs from our overseas practice engagements in Kampala

2011 to 2015: Ethiopia

Development Administration and Planning MSc overseas practice engagement in Ethiopia

From 2011 to 2015, our overseas practice engagements on the Development Administration and Planning MSc focused on building an understanding of the practice of development and the role of the development practitioner.

Discover the outputs from our overseas practice engagements in Ethiopia