

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


The DPU’s Alexandra Panman has been awarded a Bartlett Research Grant

8 December 2022

Congratulations to DPU's Alexandra Panman for receiving a Bartlett Research Grant for work with Leah Lovett (CASA) titled ‘Crafting knowledge of sustainable urban economic development’.

woven spatial marker (in the process of being made)

The Bartlett Research Grant fund supports colleagues identifying as ‘early career researchers’ working individually or in small teams (within or across The Bartlett's schools and institutes), to help kick start new ideas, collaborations, and/or develop larger project proposals to external funders.

Alexandra Panman's project prosal aims to shed new light on alternative pathways for sustainable urban economic development through arts-based engagement with evolving land use decisions in collective property regimes under pressure of urbanisation.

The methodology will centre collaboration and knowledge exchange with indigenous artists in Canada to develop markers for spatial stories, which combine web-based Augmented Reality and time-based media with traditional techniques such as weaving. The work builds on Alexandra’s existing work with Liam Kelly (UNBC), 'Understanding the Role of Collective Property in Sustainable Urban Economic Development: Evidence from First Nations Reserves in Canada', which is funded by an Insight Development Grant from the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (further details on this grant can be found ), and Leah’s work on digital co-creation and augmented reality (e.g. ).