

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


New collaborative project launched to explore the impact COVID-19 on young minoritised adults

16 February 2021

The project, 'Navigating Space Under Lockdown', led by Barbara Lipietz, Daniel Oviedo and Jordana Ramalho at the DPU alongside partners at The Ubele Initiative, aims to capture the effects of COVID-19 and lockdown on young racialised/minoritised adults in England

Navigating Space Under Lockdown

The needs and experiences of young people from minority ethnic backgrounds have been largely absent from public policy and debate relating to the pandemic. To help address this gap, the DPU has teamed up with The Ubele Initiative to develop a survey exploring the impacts of COVID-19 on young “BAME” (Black Asian and Minority Ethnic) adults. The survey questions have been co-produced with the support of young researchers, social activists and change makers in their communities.

The survey forms part of a wider research project (funded by National Lottery Community Fund) documenting young BAME adults’ experiences of 
lockdowns through film, photography and other creative methods.

If you are aged 18-35, live in England, and identify as “BAME” please fill out this survey () to tell us how COVID-19 and related lockdown measures have affected your personal circumstances and wellbeing. The information that you share with us will be fully anonymised and will help to improve our understanding of the effects of the pandemic on racialised/minoritised communities in England. Research findings will be shared via a webinar event in spring 2021 and will help shape ’s related campaigning and advocacy work to influence government policy.

Please circulate the survey via your contacts and networks. The survey link will remain active until 7th March 2021. Survey participants will enter into a draw to win a £25 Amazon voucher.

For more information on the research, please contact Barbara Lipietz, Daniel Oviedo or Jordana Ramalho at the DPU, or Junior Mtonga at The Ubele Initiative.