

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Jerusalem\Al Quds: [Inter]Sections of Urban Conflicts

10 - 15 September 2017 (please note that this workshop will start on Sunday and close on Friday). In collaboration with Haim Yacobi

Jerusalem summerlab

The city of Jerusalem is manufactured by geopolitical practices including not just military occupation but also planning policy, demographic engineering and the production of imagined geographies. Yet, often these fields of studies are analysed separately, overlooking the relevance of urban design and planning to the changing geopolitics of the city and to the daily conflicts in this urban space. Moreover, there is a tendency to focus on states’ borders and national territory while ignoring the relevance of analysing the urban realm. Following this, in this summerLab we attempt to study the interrelationships between planning and the production of contested space in Jerusalem, emphasizing the spatial intersections of urban conflicts both horizontally (i.e. between Israeli and Palestinian communities) and vertically (i.e. between past and present).

The Jerusalem\Al Quds summerLab is a unique opportunity to study the production of contested space, and it is taking place in a specific historical moment: 50 years of Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem. This is a special occasion to critically study and evaluate the history, politics and spatial dynamics of the city since 1967, and to question the influence of  ‘top-down’ planning apparatuses on one hand and, on the other hand, ‘bottom-up’ responses of both Israeli and Palestinian communities, urban activists and NGOs.

Participants will learn from urban experts, leading scholars and activists that have been concerned with the city’s spatial politics and will engage in several urban explorations in both central and peripheral areas of the city in order to acquire a critical understanding of the urban context as a whole.  Participants will be challenged to trace and investigate a series of urban sections, cutting across relevant localities and scenarios of transformation, at the same time critically enquiring and representing the overlapping of multiple narratives and dimensions of conflict over the urban space. The outcomes of the workshop will be presented in a final meeting with summerLab’s partners and local actors.

Click here to download the application form or write to us at dpusummerlab@ucl.ac.uk to express your interest. Further information will be provided in due course. Stay tuned and follow our for updates!

Application and fees

The DPU summerLab is open to all students and professionals with an interest in urban environments.

The international participation fee for each workshop is £400. The fee is discounted to £300 for: currently enrolled DPU students (2016-17), DPU alumni, and for group applications (5 people or more). Discounted fees apply for participants intending to register to multiple workshops too, please contact us for further info. Please note that these fees do not include travel or accommodation, though advice and local information will be provided. The application deadline for all workshops is Monday 3 July 2017. For more information and to apply please visit www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/development/programmes/summerlab or write to dpusummerlab@ucl.ac.uk

Participants are responsible for obtaining any visa they might require to which the DPU can provide proof of workshop registration if needed.

Personal equipment

Participants will need to bring their own laptops and digital equipment. Please ensure that this equipment is covered by your own insurance as the DPU cannot take responsibility for items lost or stolen during the workshop.


The deadline for application for the 2017 series will be on Monday 3 July. The applicant will need to e-mail the form, along with a CV and a letter of motivation to dpusummerlab@ucl.ac.uk

