

The Bartlett School of Architecture


A Lunar Perspective

Eloise Maltby Maland

‘A Lunar Perspective’ travels in an irregular orbit around Lunar House, a UK Home Office Visa and Immigration building, to explore and question practices of bordering and othering. 

Built in 1970, Lunar House was named to celebrate the moon landing the year before, eliciting notions of space travel and exploration. From here, A Lunar Perspective enters into an orbital journey exploring real and imagined connections between the body, the land, the sky and the border. As the work looks up to the moon in search of our imagined reflection, it considers our current politics and practices of othering at a time when we are continually reminded of the violence of our borders. 

A Lunar Perspective interrogates the violent role of language in the construction of borders, shifting focus between themes of exploration, power and control, and practices of mapping, nationalism and astronomy. Weaving together perspectives and positions from diverse writers and thinkers such as bell hooks, Gloria Anzaldua and Jane Rendell, it also explores the emancipatory potential in language, seeking to hold these voices in relation to each other to offer new possibilities of reading our relationships to the politics of traversing the border.


1. Performing a lunar perspective. Eloise Maltby Maland, 2019. Photo courtesy of Henrietta Williams.
2. Lunar surface (Google Earth Screengrab). Eloise Maltby Maland, 2019
3. Lunar House – Home Office Visa and Immigration Centre. Eloise Maltby Maland, 2019