

Arts Sciences


Frequently Asked Questions

About the programme

Where can I find out more about the structure and content of the modules?

Please view the Degree Structure webpage for details of the compulsory and optional modules.

Can I study this programme on a part-time basis?

The course can be studied part-time over two calendar years and please refer to the Degree Structure page for further details on how your modules would be split.

Please note that EU and Overseas students who require a visa to study in the UK are not eligible to apply for the part-time programme as »Ê¼Ò»ªÈËill not sponsor part-time study visas.

Can I start the programme full-time and switch to part-time study at a later date?

A switch to part-time study from full-time is usually only permitted in exceptional circumstances and will depend on how far into the degree you are. For example, if you are already midway through a module that would be taken in the second year of the part-time programme, then it wouldn’t be possible to switch to part-time study.

You would also not be able to switch to part-time study if you are an EU or Overseas student who requires a visa as »Ê¼Ò»ªÈËill not sponsor part-time study visas.

Is this programme available as a Distance Learning option or do I have to be in London?

The course is only offered as a campus-based course and from the new UCL East campus and as in-person attendance would be required for both full-time and part-time study, it will not be possible to study this programme if you are not able to travel to the UCL campus.

What are the term dates for the programme?

Click here for the UCL term calendar. Please note that the MASc may sometimes schedule classes outside term time. The timetable for the following academic year is available from early August each year.

What does the timetable look like for this programme?
You can view the to see the timing of our modules. Your optional modules will be taught in term 1, 2 or 3 and have 2-3 contact hours per week.
Are there opportunities to take modules in other departments that are not already listed as optional modules?

You are welcome to seek out other modules and we can assess if they are suitable for inclusion as an option and host Departments are willing to accept you on their module; we are always seeking out additional optional modules if/when they become available.

Can I take more than two optional modules in the programme?

Unfortunately not as all of the other modules that are part of the MASc programme are compulsory.

Please note that from 2025/26, students on the MASc or PG Diploma programme will only have one optional module as BASC0083 The Creative Health Lab will be a compulsory module for all students.

Are any of the optional modules run solely by the Arts and Sciences department?

BASC0081 Community Wellbeing, Health Inequalities and the role of Social Prescribing and BASC0083 The Creative Health Lab are optional modules offered by the department. All of the optional modules are run by other departments across »Ê¼Ò»ªÈËhich gives you the advantage of working with other students and across the disciplines.

Please note that from 2025/26, BASC0083 The Creative Health Lab will be a compulsory module for all students.

I see I'll be working with a community partner for my dissertation. What does this mean? Can I choose my own community partner? And does the community partner have to be based in London?

Students will work with a range of partners who design projects according to their needs, this can include: programme/activity design and/or evaluation; connecting with new audiences; co-production; drafting policy or strategy documents, or grant applications.

Our partners are a range of small, medium and large community partners, from small volunteer run or local organisations (such as community farms (e.g. Clitterhouse Community Farm), festivals (Carneval del Pueblo), artists, arts organisations and charities (e.g. Culture &, Holy Cross Trust), through to larger regional or national organisations (such a Museums (e.g. Wallace Collection), Arts Council England, the Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance). We are continuing to build a portfolio of partners and are actively recruiting new partners who wish to work with us.

Students can also recommend partners if they already have links with a particular organisation. Community partners can also be based outside of London but students will have to be prepared to travel (at their own expense) if this is required by the partner.

Is there an opportunity for artistic practice during the Masters or is it solely academic, e.g. could my dissertation be in part an artistic piece / project?

A dissertation could include an artistic output but the final dissertation is a written piece of coursework; artistic practice can also be incorporated into the project through the community partner who may wish to draw upon your artistic skills and experiences.

I have already taken the compulsory Arts, Nature and Wellbeing module as part of my BASc degree. Would I have to retake the module?

No you wouldn’t and so we would discuss a suitable alternative module to replace that.

Can you explain the main difference between the MASc in Creative Health and Masters programmes in Health Humanities?

Creative Health is defined as: creating the conditions and opportunities for arts, creativity and culture to be embedded in the health of the public. It is concerned with how community assets and resources, and other non-clinical approaches to health (such as social prescribing) can support health and wellbeing. See also the .

Health Humanities: seeks novel ways of understanding health and illness in society, and how methods from the humanities and social studies may be brought to bear on biomedicine, clinical practice, and the politics of healthcare. Experiences and portrayals of health and illness in literature, film and contemporary culture are also studied. MA Health Humanities at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË.

Is there an opportunity to audit the programme?

Due to engagement with community partners and the compulsory modules complementing the final dissertation project, it will not be possible to audit this course.

What is the balance between theory and practice on this programme? Does it allow for students to continue onto PhD study as well?

There will be a mix of theory, practice, research/evaluation, policy, lived experience. A PhD programme is also available through the Arts and Sciences department.

Is this programme for practitioners or researchers / facilitators?

All of the above – it will appeal to people who are interested in the links between research-policy-practice.

Is there a main building the MASc will be based on the UCL campus?

MASc students will have access to the Arts and Sciences Common Room which is in 1-4 Malet Place. Your teaching will take place at the UCL East campus for your Core modules, at the Bloomsbury campus for the majority of your optional modules and at community partner venues.

Applying for the Creative Health MASc

What is the application process for this programme?

You are advised to apply as early as possible due to competition for places. Those applying for scholarship funding (particularly overseas applicants) should also take note of application deadlines. Please view the Graduate Prospectus for details of the application deadline.

This programme requires two references. Further information regarding references can be found in our How to apply section.

Candidates whose qualifications vary from UCL standards may be admitted if evidence of an adequate academic background and work experience in an appropriate field can be shown.

How competitive is the programme?

Our academic entry requirements are competitive in order to attract highly capable and motivated students. If you fulfil the academic requirements and/or have the right professional experience and show interest and motivation in the growing field of Arts and Health, you are in the right track for a successful application. We make offers on an on-going basis and we reserve the right to stop accepting applications at any point if the programme is full.

How many places are available on the programme?

There are 35 places available on the programme.Ìý

What are the entry requirements for this programme?

Please refer to the Graduate Prospectus.

Is a background in sciences like biology / medicine required for entry into the programme?

No, you can have either a background (e.g. a primary degree) in a science, social science or a humanities subject but you need to be open to engage with topics and materials of both a quantitative and qualitative nature. We would especially like to encourage applicants who have professional (or voluntary) experience in the fields of arts, culture and health, or social prescribing.

Are there alternative entry routes if I don't have a degree but have extensive health-based working experience?

An applicant whose qualifications vary from UCL standards may be admitted if evidence of an adequate academic background and work experience in an appropriate field can be shown. Normally this would include some evidence of professional training (such as NVQ Health and Social Care; allied health professional CPD or other allied professional training), plus relevant professional experience (minimum 2 years). Applicants without an undergraduate degree are encouraged to discuss your application with a member of the MASc Team before you apply.

I am a 4th year Medical student. Can I intercalate with a MASc in Creative Health?

Intercalating MBBS/BMBS applicants are welcomed provided applicants have an undergraduate degree (2:1 minimum or equivalent) in a relevant subject. It may be possible to apply based on having completed three or four years of a medical degree programme; candidates wishing to be considered for admission in such circumstances will be considered on a case by case basis.

If English is not my first language, do I need the required English language level before applying?

Not necessarily. If you have not fulfilled the English language requirement at the time of submitting your application, we may still offer you a place in the programme conditional of you fulfilling the English language requirement by June of the year that you start. In this case you will receive a conditional offer letter.

However an application showing a good English level is a stronger application and has more chances to succeed. See here for the English tests approved by UCL.

I completed my degree outside of the UK. Where can I find the equivalent of an English 2:1 for my country?

Go to the Graduate Prospectus for MASc Creative Health and under the 'Key Information' section, there is a search box where you can find the equivalent of a 2:1 in your country.

After receiving an offer

Accepting offers

We recommend students to accept the offer within four weeks of hearing the good news from UCL admissions. Candidates who have not accepted their offer will not be allowed to start the programme.

CAS numbers

Overseas students will need an unconditional offer letter, and will also need to have firmly accepted the offer in order to receive a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number, which is necessary when applying for a Tier 4 visa. CAS numbers are sent to candidates by UCL admissions around three months before the start of the course.

Accommodation and housing

AllÌýsingleÌýfirst yearÌýinternational postgraduateÌýstudents whoÌýaccept their offer toÌýstudy for a full-time Master’sÌýprogramme at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË, have not previously lived in London whilst studying at a Higher Education Institution (University), andÌýsubmit their application byÌý30 June in the year of studyÌýwillÌýbeÌýoffered a place in UCL accommodation.ÌýUCL is unable to offer student accommodation to graduate students with UK/EU fee status.

Further information on accommodation for postgraduate students can be found on the Accommodation webpages.

What funding is available for this programme?

There is no specific funding for the MASc programme other than the UCL scholarships listed on the UCL Scholarships Finder webpage. Further information on funding for graduate taught programmes, including external scholarships, can be found on the Funding for Postgraduate Taught Courses webpage.


What sort of professions could this Masters lead onto?

Graduates are likely to progress into a career in arts and health research or professional practice including, arts/nature/community health, public health work such as link worker/community navigator roles, or policy work within the NHS, local authorities, and other local, regional or national organisations working at the interface of community public health.

UCL has its own Careers department and runs its own job fairs, as do other colleges within the University of London. London is one of the world's hubs for health related programmes and research, and many of your instructors have (had) professional careers outside academia, and can provide advice.

How do you see careers in this area developing in the next 10 years?

There are increasing opportunities for employment in this area though it’s unlikely the government will fund specific role beyond Link Workers in the near future; non-link worker roles are likely to be funded through existing streams (ACE, Paul Hamlyn etc.).


What CPD opportunities are available on this programme?
There are currently no CPD opportunities as part of this programme but this is something being considered for the future.
Will you also be focusing on advocacy work to deliver quality creative practice?

Yes we are partnering with a range of organisations to embed and link policy, practice and research including:

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I understand that this is an intensive programme. Will I have time to work part-time or volunteer?
There is always time for studying, working or volunteering, as well as for having fun, socialising and networking. It all depends on how well organised you are and how challenging you find the programme. Many students will be able to volunteer or work small jobs and perform well in the classroom. Others may find the programme challenging and prefer to focus on their studies. We encourage students to pursue extra-curricular activities and we allow the time in the timetable for you to do so. UCL hasÌý´Ç±¹±ð°ù through UCLUÌýwhere you can get involved.Ìý
Can I work if I'm in the UK on a study visa?

EU and Overseas students on study visas should check with the UK border agency about working in the UK, and the terms and conditions of their visa.ÌýAdditional guidance can be found with the .
