

History of Art



Bausi, Alessandro. ‘“Paleografia Quale Scienza Dello Spirito”: Once More on the Gǝʿǝz Inscription of Ham (RIÉ No. 232)’. In Exploring Written Artefacts: Objects, Methods, and Concepts, 3–34. Berlin and Boston, MA: De Gruyter, 2021. .

Bausi, Alessandro. "The Treatise ‘On the One Judge’ (CAe 6260) in the ‘Aksumite Collection‘ (CAe 1047)." Adamantius 27 (2021): 215-56.

Dege-Müller, Sophia, 'Manuscript Culture in the Horn of Africa'. Navigating a Global Middle Ages With Illuminated Manuscripts (/art-history/research/demarginalizing-medieval-afri...), September 2021.

Dege-Müller, Sophia, Jacopo Gnisci, and Vitagrazia Pisani. ‘A Handlist of Illustrated Early Solomonic Manuscripts in German Public Collections’. Aethiopica 25 (accepted for publication).

Gnisci, Jacopo. ‘Copying, Imitation, and Intermediality in Illuminated Ethiopic Manuscripts from the Early Solomonic Period’. In , edited by Joseph S. Ackley and Shannon L. Wearing, 129–56. Sense, Matter, and Medium 4. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021.

Gnisci, Jacopo. ‘The Word: Works of Art by Unknown French Artist (Tours), Unknown Byzantine Artist, and Unknown Coptic Artist’. The Visual Commentary on Scripture, 2021. .

Gnisci, Jacopo, and Alessandro Bausi. 'New UK-German Cooperative Project to look at Medieval Illuminated Ethiopic Manuscripts'. ICMA News 2 (2021), forthcoming.

Gnisci, Jacopo, and Massimo Villa. ‘Evidence for the History of Early Solomonic Ethiopia from Tämben Part II: Abba Yoḥanni’. Rassegna di Studi Etiopici, forthcoming.

Lusini, Giafrancesco, Gioia Bottari, Jacopo Gnisci, and Massimo Villa. ‘Manoscritti Etiopici Della Città Di Roma. La Collezione Zanasi-Li Volsi’. CaNaMEI Reports 2 (2021): 1–39.

Pisani, Vitagrazia. ‘The Chronicle of ʿĀmda Ṣǝyon and the Gadla ʾAzqir: Some Linguistic and Philological Considerations’. Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin 7 (2021): 149–72. .