

History of Art


Lauren Rozenberg


"Bere in thy mynde": Phantasms, Mental Images and Parchment in the Late Middle Ages.

My thesis focuses on phantasms in late medieval manuscript culture, concentrating on the relationship between visible objects, mental images, and embodiment while also drawing on medical understandings of bodies and devotional practices.

My PhD is funded by the the London Arts and Humanities Partnership (LAHP) and UCL History of Art Department and supervised by Professor Robert Mills.


2016-present MPhil and Ph.D. in History of Art - University College London.
2014-2015 Ma in History of Art - University College London.
2011-2014 BA in History of Art and Archeology - Universite Libre de Bruxelles.


'Image of Flesh/Flesh of the Image: the Flayed Figure in Henri de Mondeville’s Chirurgia'. Object 20 (2019): 83-100.

‘Opus Anglicanum: Masterpieces of English Medieval Embroidery’, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1 October 2016 - 5 February 2017. Exhibition Review. Object 19 (2017): 128-130.


'"Bere in thy mynde": skin, phantasms and images in fifteenth-century devotional rolls.' Yale University, Department of History of Art, MAVCOR Seminars. 27 February 2018.

'Phantasms in the flesh: Parchment and Christ's skin in the Livre de vie et aiguillon d'amour et de dévotion.' University College London, Department of History of Art, Postgraduate Research Seminars. 14 June 2017.

Conference Papers

'Virtus Memorativa: diagramming the brain in late medieval medical treatises.' International Medieval Congress. University of Leeds, 2-5 June 2018. Organiser of the panel.

'Between Surface and Depth: Experiencing Late Medieval Prayer Rolls.' Ph.D. Symposium. UCL, Department of History of Art, 26 June 2018.

'"I am a brain, Watson. The rest of me is a mere appendix": Guido da Vigevano’s fourteenth-century neuroanatomical plates and the fragmentation of the body.' AAH Summer Symposium 2017, Re/Presenting the Body: Between Art and Science. University of Glasgow, 6-7 July 2017. Travel funded by the LAHP.

'Phantasm and Parchment: a cognitive theoretical approach to images of the French treatise Livre de vie et l’aiguillon d’amour et de dévotion (ca. 1330 - 1340).' The Medieval Brain Interdisciplinary Conference. University of York, 9-11 March 2017.

'"Skyn Bytokens Lufe" : Fantasme, Matérialité Et Affect Des Manuscrits Médiévaux.' 36ème Conférence Canadienne des Historiens de l’Art Médiéval/36th Canadian Conference of Medieval Art Historians. Université Laval, 1-2 April 2016.


2018: HART0008 - Art in London Before 1600: Medieval Worlds and Bodies (UCL, History of Art).
2017: HART1306 - Foundation Course (UCL, History of Art): teaching assistant.

Lauren is also a private tutor in French.

Other Work Experience

2019: Editor of Object: Graduate Research and Reviews in the History of Art and Visual Culture (UCL, History of Art).

2018: Intern at the Victoria & Albert Museum (National Art Library. Prints and Drawings Department).


5-6 October 2018: Permeable Bodies in medieval and early modern visual culture. International conference funded by the Institute of Advanced Studies at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË (organised with Laura Scalabrella Spada).
26 June 2018: Ph.D. Symposium, UCL History of Art.
2017-present: coordinator for the Medieval to Modern Art Group (UCL, History of Art).
2017-present: coordinator for Digital Editing and the Medieval Manuscript Fragment (DEMMF, UCL branch).


2018: Yale-UCL exchange fellowship funded by the UCL Doctoral School.

2017: LAHP Research Support Fund travel grant for conference in Glasgow.

2017: LAHP Language Fund for Latin classes.
