

History of Art


Past Imperfect: Conversations in Ecological Form - Periodisation

17 November 2021, 5:00 pm–6:00 pm

Agnes Denes, Tree Mountain - A Living Time Capsule - 11,000 Trees, 11,000 People, 400 Years (Triptych), 1992-96/2013, Chromogenic print, 80 x 82 cm

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Millie Horton-Insch – History of Art

The first in a series of three conversations on 'Ecological Form', in which members of the department are invited to share short presentations on an object or image. It is hoped that this event will prompt reflections on the challenges that ecological thinking and environmental crisis pose to art historical method. Each event will have a 'prompt, through which speakers will consider different ways in which we might think about form ecologically: how forms change over time or may come unfixed from their historical moment when considered ecologically; how forms emerge from complex relationships between different makers and agents; and lastly how forms work in the world, and how we might reimagine the agency of art and art history in this moment. This first conversation will take 'Periodisation' as its prompt. 


Image: Agnes Denes, Tree Mountain - A Living Time Capsule - 11,000 Trees, 11,000 People, 400 Years (Triptych), 1992-96/2013, Chromogenic print, 80 x 82 cmÂ