

Institute of Archaeology


Repair Week: Illegal and Heritage Conservation

24 September 2021

Theatre of Conservation, run by the UCL Institute of Archaeology MSc Conservation for Archaeology and Museums programme, is hosting a special event as part of the Institute of Making's Repair Week.

Dean Sully who has been appointed Scientist in Residence at the UCL Slade School, 2019

The event, which will take place on 13 October and hosted by the UCL Institute of Making, will invite participants to take part in the proper conservation of heritage ceramics, guided by accredited expert heritage conservation professionals. Advice will be given on appropriate actions, materials and procedures required to undertake the proper conservation of ceramics. 

Participants will also be exposed to the illegal activities of rogue conservation, the application of non-approved techniques to the repair of ceramics, perpetuated by a self-described illegal conservator.  This type of illicit activity is condemned by all right thinking heritage professionals for transgressing disciplinary boundaries that attack the self-justifying profession narratives of heritage conservation. 

The Theatre of Conservation has been developed by Dean Sully and colleagues in association with the UCL Repair Café and the Centre for Critical Heritage Studies.

Further details