

Institute of Archaeology


Successful funding bid on Heritage Research, Policy and Practice for AHRC Heritage Priority Area

21 October 2019

The AHRC Heritage Priority Area team, based at the UCL Institute of Archaeology, have successfully secured AHRC Follow-On-Funding from January to September 2020 for 'Opening New Pathways to Impact across Heritage Research, Policy and Practice'.

AHRC Heritage Priority Area (logo)

This ambitious project will build on the work of the AHRC Heritage Priority Area by aiming to:

  • transform and increase understanding amongst government, public and private heritage professionals, scholars, and university staff and students of domestic and international policies that indirectly or directly impact, influence, or relate to the heritage sector;
  • foster dialogues between policy makers, heritage professionals and UK heritage research communities;
  • increase awareness of the role the Arts and Humanities can play in policy and decision-making, and;
  • develop a network of dialogue and activity between policy-makers and heritage research/researchers in the UK.

There will be a series of activities organised to facilitate the above aims which include workshops, panels and conferences. The ongoing work of the will also be facilitated by a no-cost extension to the original fellowship project which will allow them to continue their work to the end of 2020.

The AHRC Heritage Priority Area team  - led by Heritage Leadership Fellow Rodney Harrison, and based at the UCL Institute of Archaeology - works with the (AHRC),  the heritage research community, and heritage partner organisations, to draw together and stimulate the development of a wide range of research across the arts and humanities that makes an important contribution to understanding heritage. They also aim to support the interconnections between research, policy and practice, both in the UK and internationally.

Further details

Further information about the team and its work is available on their website at