

Institute of Archaeology


Stephen Shennan invited to give the David Clarke Memorial Lecture

26 November 2018

Stephen Shennan has been invited to give this year's David Clarke Memorial Lecture at the University of Cambridge.

Stephen Shennan invited to give the David Clarke Memorial Lecture (2018)

Stephen's lecture is entitled The First Farmers of Europe and the Return of Culture and will take place on 29 November at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.

Stephen will discuss his research which integrates prehistory, demography, genetics, and process models in explaining the spread of the Neolithic throughout Europe, which is the subject of his most recent volume The First Farmers of Europe: An Evolutionary Perspective, published earlier this year by Cambridge University Press. 

Stephen is one of Britain's foremost prehistorians, with extensive and important work on the Neolithic and the Bronze Age, demography and long-term processes, and the uses of analytical techniques.

David Clarke (1937-1976) was a member of the Department of Archaeology and Peterhouse, Cambridge before his untimely death; his book Analytical Archaeology was a foundational text for modern archaeological theory. The David Clarke lecture, co-sponsored by the Department of Archaeology and Peterhouse in his memory, presents important currents in contemporary archaeological thought.