

Institute of Archaeology


Call for papers for CROSSDEM 2019 workshop

15 November 2018

The CROSSDEM 2019 workshop will be hosted by the UCL Institute of Archaeology in March 2019, for which a call for papers is announced with a deadline of 19 December 2018.

CROSSDEM 2019: Cross Disciplinary Approaches to Prehistoric Demography (workshop logo)

CROSSDEM 2019 is a workshop designed to bring together scholars from diverse disciplines, including archaeology, environmental sciences, anthropology, and genomics, to identify common ground for the study of prehistoric population history and demography.

The workshop will comprise keynote papers delivered by scholars from across a range of disciplines, structured discussions led by experts, and contributed papers.

Call for papers

Submissions are invited relating to the following topics:

  1. Theorising and identifying significant demographic events, such as expansions and collapses, bottlenecks, and migrations
  2. The interpretation and reconciliation of different types of data on ancient demography, including archaeological, genetic, osteological, and radiometric
  3. Methodological procedures and theoretical frameworks used to move between the study of long-term, large-scale population outcomes (changes in size, growth rates, density etc.) and the smaller-scale demographic processes underlying them (changes in fertility, mortality, out-migration)
  4. In the context of multiple potential drivers of demographic change, critically assess equifinality during the interpretation of our analyses
  5. Comparative demography of populations in different areas of the world under various climatic, technological, and environmental conditions
  6. Critical assessment of the quality, availability, and portability of demographic data and methods across varying environments, and different prehistoric periods

To submit a proposal for a paper of approximately 20 minutes, please send an abstract of approximately 300-500 words to crossdem2019@gmail.com, by 19 December 2018. Decisions will be sent to prospective speakers by 7 January 2019.

Further details