

Institute of Archaeology


Islamic Archaeology Day 2020

01 February 2020, 11:00 am–6:00 pm

Islamic Archaeology Day

The 6th annual Islamic Archaeology Day, co-organised by SOAS and UCL, will be held at the UCL Institute of Archaeology on Saturday 1 February.

Event Information

Open to







Dr Corisande Fenwick


Room 612
Institute of Archaeology
31-34 Gordon Square
United Kingdom

The workshop provides a snapshot of some of the latest and most exciting research being conducted in 󲹱DZDz. Twelve papers will examine a wide array of topics from the origins of the earliest mosques to urbanism, food taboos and pigment production across a huge geographic expanse stretching out from the Levant, Iraq and the Arabian Gulf to the furthest corners of the Islamic world such as al-Andalus and Turkmenistan.

Organisers: Corisande Fenwick (UCL), Rahil Alipour (UCL), Hugh Kennedy (SOAS), Scott Redford (SOAS), Tim Williams (UCL)

Provisional Programme

Session 1 (Chair: Hugh Kennedy)

  • 11:00: Introduction
  • 11:15: A Recent Project on the Mosque-Palace Complex of Kufa - Michelina Di Cesare (La Sapienza-Rome)
  • 11:40: Rayy: Citadel, the Walled City, Its Neighborhoods and Expansions, and the Suburban Zone - Renata Holod (University of Pennsylvania)
  • 12:05: Missing bricks: exploring the long history of Dandankan (Daş Rabat) - Martina Rugiadi (Metropolitan Museum of Art) and Paul Wordsworth (Oxford)
  • 12:30: Jāṭū - Recent research on a medieval 'Muslim City' in Western Sicily - Nicole Mölk (University of Innsbruck)

1:00: Lunch (provided)

Session 2 - (Chair: Corisande Fenwick)

  • 2:00: Zooarchaeological insights into social Islamisation in al-Andalus - Marcos Garcia Garcia (York)
  • 2:25: Meat consumption and food taboos in Islamic Sicily - Veronica Aniceti (Sheffield)
  • 2:50: Persian Blue: A New Blue Pigment or A Different Method of Egyptian Blue Production? - Rahil Alipour (UCL) and Thilo Rehren (Cyprus Institute/ UCL)
  • 3:15: Palermo’s trade from the end of the 9th to the 11th century: written Arabic sources and archaeological data - Viva Sacco (École française de Rome)

3:45: Tea break

Session 3 - (Chair: Scott Redford)

  • 4:15: The two mosques of Baydha: The Islamic Baydha Project in Petra and its first results - Michaela Sinibaldi (Cardiff University)
  • 4:40: Rethinking the periurban landscape in Nasrid Granada: the land of Aynadamar - Guillermo García-Contreras Ruiz (Universidad de Granada)
  • 5:05: The Mongol Conquest in Central Asia: New evidence from Merv (Turkmenistan) and Otrar (Kazakhstan) - Katie Campbell (Oxford)
  • 5:30: Julfar: a port of the Hormuzi maritime empire - Rob Carter (UCL)

6-7pm: Reception

7 :15pm: Dinner (for those who have pre-booked) at the Life Goddess restaurant, Store Street


For reduced early-bird tickets, please register before Friday 10 January 2020

Further information


There is an early-bird registration fee of £12 (£7 for students – limited numbers) for those who register before 10 January 2020. Registration after this date is £18 (£10 for students) so participants are encouraged to register as soon as possible. Registration will cover a sandwich lunch, refreshments and a wine reception.