

UCL Anthropology


Selected Publications

2012 Special Issue of Social Analysis 'Cosmologies of Fortune. Luck, Vitality and the contingency of Daily Life' with guest editors Giovanni da Col and Caroline Humphrey:

2012 Collaborators Collaborating - Counterparts in Anthropological Knowledge and International Research Relations edited by Monica Konrad:

2011 . British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship Monograph Series, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2011 Enclosing for Growth: Including or Excluding People from Land in Northeast Mongolia, Political Representations in Modern Inner Asia: Conventional and Alternative Uses, edited by Roberte Hamayon, Isabelle Charleux, and Grégory Delaplace, Bellingham: Western Washington University Press.

2011 , eds. Arnd Schneider and Christopher Wright, London: Berg (with Mohini Chandra).

2009 , edited by Anita Herle, Rebecca Empson, Mark Elliot, Cambridge: Cambridge University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (editor and contributor).

2007 , Volume 9. No. 2, edited by Caroline Humphrey, Rebecca Empson and Morten A. Pedersen (editor and contributor).

2006 , Inner Asia Monograph Series, Kent: Global Oriental / University of Hawaii Press (editor and contributor).

2007 Enlivened Memories: Recalling Absence and Loss in Mongolia, , edited by Janet Carsten, Oxford: Blackwell.

2007 Separating and Containing People and Things in Mongolia, , edited by Amiria Henare, Martin Holbraad, and Sari Wastell, London: Routledge Press.

2006 Introduction, Visions of the Future: Time, Causality and Prophecy in the Mongolian Cultural Region, edited by Rebecca Empson, Inner Asia Monograph Series, Kent: Global Oriental / University of Hawaii Press.

2006 Recalling past futures: the property of lay-prophets and oral prophecy, Visions of the Future: Time, Causality and Prophecy in the Mongolian Cultural Region, edited by Rebecca Empson, Inner Asia Monograph Series, Kent: Global Oriental / University of Hawaii Press.

2006 The repetition of Mongolian prophetic time, Visions of the Future: Time, Causality and Prophecy in the Mongolian Cultural Region, edited by Rebecca Empson, Inner Asia Monograph Series, Kent: Global Oriental / University of Hawaii Press.

2009 'With Poem-Bullets Around our Waist': A Translation of Choinom's Poem 'Buriad' with Notes, Inner Asia Journal, Volume 11, Number 1 (with Basanjav Terbish).

2007 The Little Human and the Daughter-in-law: Two Perspectives from Eastern and Western Mongolia (with Grégory Delaplace), Perspectivism, a special issue of the journal Inner Asia, (eds.) Morten A. Pedersen, Rebecca Empson, Caroline Humphrey, Volume 9. No. 2 (2007), 197-214.

2007 Editorial Introduction: Inner Asian Perspectivisms, with Morten A. Pedersen and Caroline Humphrey, Perspectivism, a special issue of the journal Inner Asia, Volume 9. No. 2, 2007:1-12.

2006 Reproducing People and Prophecy, Cambridge Anthropology, A Journal of the Department of Social Anthropology, Vol. 25. No. 3, 52-60.

2003 Fieldworks: A Review, Cambridge Anthropology, A Journal of the Department of Social Anthropology, Vol. 24, No.1, pp 39-49, (with Haidy Geismar).