

UCL Institute of the Americas


UCL Americas Journal Club Poster Design Competition

12 February 2018

UCL Changemakers

The would like to announce the call for submissions for its poster design competition. UCLAJC is one of the winning projects to receive funding from the UCL Changemakers initiative. The club's founder is Leo Neuringer, MSc student at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË Institute of the Americas.

In order to drive awareness and allow UCL students to make use of their creativity, the UCLAJC is holding a Poster Design Contest for the advertisements to be posted around campus; especially in relevant departments. Currently, UCL Americas has significant links with academic departments such as Economics, Political Science, Anthropology, Geography, Arts & Sciences, History, Development and Planning Unit, Archaeology, ESPS, and SELCS.


Topic: any issue, image or idea related to any or all part(s) of the American continent. Disciplines such as Economics, History, Anthropology, International Development, Renewable Energy, Human Rights, Sexual and Gender Equality, Education are particularly welcome.

Medium: anything! from pen sketches to pencil drawings; from i-phone shots to photoshop creations; from watercolours to images of recycled material installations.

Mandatory: use of the UCLAJC Facebook address in the finished piece as well as the UCL Changemakers logo as it appears in this news item [NOTE: please contact Leo Neuringer for a .png version]

Deadline for submissions: February 26th, 2018

Adjudicating panel: Leo Neuringer and members of the UCLAJC organising committee

Announcement of winning entry: March 6th, 2018

Prize: One prize consisting of a £50 Waterstones voucher and the opportunity to see your work displayed throughout »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË

For any questions or further information please e-mail Leo Neuringer directly on leo.neuringer.12@ucl.ac.uk