

Advanced Research Computing


Web Applications Collaborations

ARC can provide expert web development support to research projects, giving a dynamic interface to your work and increasing impact.

Many of our collaborations involve at least some aspects of web development, whether that involves creating REST APIs, data pipelines, cloud infrastructure, static websites, or entire full-stack web or mobile applications. The Collaborations team includes several specialist web developers who can take the lead in developing custom solutions that fulfil research projects' unique requirements.

In the interest of sustainability we try to standardise around a few commonly used web development frameworks such as Django, React, and Next.js, but we're a diverse group with a wealth of experience with different web technologies and methodologies. Some examples of projects include a web application supporting collaborative international efforts to transliterate cuneiform tablets, a dashboard for reviewing real-time data from intensive care wards, and a cloud-based data pipeline for managing high volumes of smart meter data.

One of the key differences between our work and commercial web development studios is the highly entwined nature of the partnership between researchers and developers. We adopt an agile development approach and maintain a close working relationship with researchers to help deal with the vagaries of research projects which can result in unpredictable changes in requirements as lessons learned in the course of the project inform the direction that the technical solution needs to take.

We have much experience working with sensitive data, and follow security best practices to ensure the solutions we build help researchers to manage risk appropriately and comply with the relevant regulations and policies governing their data.

We also see the solutions we develop as research outputs in their own right and strive to ensure they are sufficiently secure, stable and maintainable so that people can continue to benefit from them beyond the lifetime of the research project. This might include helping to publish databases in open access repositories, releasing open source software, or designing and creating static websites which can continue to be hosted in the long term at little or no cost.

The web collaborations team is led by .
