

UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Centre for Applied Statistics Courses

We provide short courses in research methods and statistical analyses for anyone wanting to interpret or undertake their own research. Everyone is welcome to attend, including those based outside UCL.

Extensive notes are provided for all courses, and teaching is interspersed with practicalexamples and activities throughoutcourses to ensure that everyone has understood the key principles. We strive to create a relatively informal learning atmosphere, where participants are not afraid to ask questions or voice any confusion.

No prior statistical knowledge is assumed for our introductory course (Introduction toResearch MethodsandStatistics), or our summer schools, but all other courses assume that the basics are understood. Ourcourses usually take place on weekdays during typical office-hours and selected evening dates may also beavailable for certain courses depending on timetable availability.

Latest News:

  • It is our pleasure to announce the arrival of a new and exciting course: Introduction to tidyverse and ggplot2 taking place on two consecutive Fridays, 11 and 18 October 2024

  • We anticipate to deliver all short courses (or definitely the vast majority of them) in hybrid mode in 2024. This means that the lecture will be delivered in a classroom or computer room as appropriate (conditional to a minimum of 8participants attending the face-to-face lecture) which will be concurrently transmitted live to an online class via zoom. Participants will be able to choose their preferred method of attendance (face-to-face or online) during the registration process. Please see ourevents calendarfor a chronologicallistof our statistics courses(note: this calendar only shows the most imminent date for each course).

  • We have a growing list of online self-paced courses available (see below marked with a § symbol). If you are a doctoral research student at ʼһ and would like access to this entire programme,please complete. Otherwise, see the individual course pages for details.

You can also keep up to date with our latest news by , or .

The courses running frequently at CASC are:

Winter schools:
Summer schools:
Theory-based courses:
Theory-based courses (with an optional software workshop):
Mixed courses with integrated statistical theory and software:
Statistics software courses:

Alternatively, please see theevents calendar for a chronologicallistof statistics courses running at ICH (note: this calendar only shows the most imminent date for each course).

* Knowledge of basic statistical concepts is required/beneficial; we recommend the Introduction to Research Methods and Statistics course if you have little/no previous statistics experience; this course offers a good basis for all other CASC courses.
~ requires prior knowledge/experience of the R software.
^ We recommend attending the Introduction to Regression Analysis course first if you have no prior experience of regression analyses.

Evening dates often available for this course
§ Self-paced online materials available for purchase

Who are we?

The Centre for Applied Statistics Courses (CASC) was founded in 2008 by. The teamcurrently comprises of Directorand Associate Professor, Associate ProfessorandHead of CASC’s on-demand learning, Deputy Director of CASC, and Associate Lecturersand . We receive administrative support from the ICH events team. Based within UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, we run a variety of higher degree and short courses for non-statisticians.

Contact us

Please see our FAQ pagebefore making an enquiry about our courses.

Recommended for general queries/payments:


For general enqueries/payment: +44 (0) 207905 2768.To contact a teaching fellowabout the contents of a course, call us on: +44 (0) 77 30405 980
** Please note that the mobile phone is manned by teaching staff so we may not be able to answer your call straight away, but feel free to leave a message or forward your query on by email where it may be more quickly responded to.

Where are we based?

Our courses are usually based near to GOS Institute of Child Health; the nearest underground station is Russell Square on the Piccadilly line. Holborn, Chancery Lane, Euston and Kings Cross stations are all within walking distance. However,most advertised courses will be run in a hybrid mode (online and in-person attendance).

Visitors to the GOS Institute of Child Health

Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health welcome visitors to take part in all of our teaching activities.

Visitors are responsible for securing their own accommodation. If accommodation is required this should be arranged before arrival and funded independently. Please visit the of hotels nearby.

Free online materials

The following supplementary materials and toolsare freely available online as written by the CASC team. These are free for everyone, even if you are not enrolled on any of our short courses.

  • Spreadsheetsfor analysing 2x2 tables that compliment our one-day course 'Chi-square and Beyond for 2x2 Tables'
  • Spreadsheets for doing sample size calculations, related to the course 'Sample Size Estimation and Power Calculations with Excel'

Additionally, here is a list ofMoodle pages for all courses (only accessible with a password given on registration)