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Lea Collet
Lea Collet

Born in Lyon (1989), Lea Collet lives and works between Roubaix, Aulnay-sous-bois and London.

Collet’s practice oscillates between performance, installations, video and research. She works in institutional, self-organized and educational contexts. She introduces landscapes and subjects that investigate social relations and augmented affect experienced in and through digital mediation and technological collaboration. Her practice (both through making and sharing) emphasises collective experimentation and emotional symbiosis.  

She trained at Camberwell College of Arts, London at BA level followed by an MA at Slade School of Fine Art, London. In 2020 she joined the Art and Technology university research group EUR ArTec based in Paris. In 2019, she was awarded the “Peer Forum 2020” an annual program to support artists by providing them with the funding, space and resources to create their own mentoring groups organised by Artquest in collaboration with the Camden Arts Centre. In September 2021, she joined Le Fresnoy, Studio national des arts contemporains a two-year program for artistic, audiovisual and digital training, production and distribution.  Her work has been presented at Camden Arts Centre, London, 2022 - Manifesta 13, Les Parallèle du Sud, Coco Velten, Marseille, 2021- Espacio Odeon, Bogota, 2020 - Weekend.Athens, Athens, 2020 - Gossamer Fog & assembly Point, London, 2019.