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The Slade Archive Project is centred on researching and developing the Slade’s rich collection of institutional records. After an initial collaboration with , we continue to explore ways in which this underused collection can be made more accessible and generate new knowledge – through research activities, online resources, exhibitions, oral histories and cataloguing projects.

Featured Media

Slade Archive Logo
Slade Archive Logo, 2012

During the project’s scoping phase (2012-2016), a number of online platforms were trialled with a particular focus on unearthing and tracing the multiple histories of the school and linkages between its former staff and students, both nationally and transnationally.

The second phase of the project (2018-2021) looks forward to the school’s 150th anniversary in 2021 which marks an opportune moment to enhance and challenge known histories and legacies of the Slade. Working in partnership with UCL Department of Information Studies, UCL Library Special Collections and UCL Culture, we seek to extend focus on transnational scholarship and international knowledge exchange, promote interdisciplinary engagement with the Slade’s archive collections, and pilot different methodologies for their use, enhancement, creation and dissemination.

Current Areas of Activity:

  • Transnational Slade (Phase II), in collaboration with the ‘Slade, London, Asia’ Research Group, part of ‘London, Asia’ research project led by the , which includes a current pilot activity with ResearchSpace, British Museum
  • Slade Film Project, research into the history of artists’ moving image and film studies at the Slade, led by Brighid Lowe and Henry K. Miller
  • The curation and cataloguing of Slade archive collections towards the Slade 150th anniversary, in collaboration with UCL Library Special Collections and UCL Department of Information Studies
  • William Townsend Journals digital project (with UCL Library)
  • Slade Photo Collection cataloguing project (with UCL Library)
  • Tracing Artistic Heritages through the Architectural Fabric of the Slade

To date, the Slade Archive Project has been funded by a UCL Arts & Humanities Small Research Grant, a UCL Grand Challenges (Small) Grant and The Andor Charitable Trust

Read the .

Past Projects

Project Team

Liz Bruchet, Slade Archive Researcher & Curator
Susan Collins, Head of Research, Slade
Jo Volley, Deputy Director (Projects), Slade

Advisory Committee:

Kieren Reed (Chair), Sarah Aitchison (UCL Special Collections), Emma Chambers (Tate), Andrea Fredericksen (UCL Art Museum), Brighid Lowe (Slade), Simon Mahony (UCL Department of Information Studies), Alan Taylor (Honorary Researcher, Slade), Alison Wright (UCL History of Art)