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In 2020 UCL Slade Short Courses established the Hands On/Slade Short Courses Bursary, enabling the Hands On Coach to join the Slade Short Courses programmes in drawing and painting online throughout the academic year. 

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Postcard designed responding to the theme of 'Healing'
Postcard designed responding to the theme of 'Healing', 2022

A set of postcards designed by Joseph Yona Deng, artist and Hands On Coach, and Art Club students from Angelina Jolie Primary School and the Maggie Tent art workshops in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya, produced by Hands On Art Workshops for World Refugee Week 2022, responding to the theme of ‘Healing’

Slade tutor Lisa Milroy initiated Hands On Art Workshops, which offers a programme of practical art workshops for primary and secondary school students in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya delivered through video conference and mobile phone messaging. One related initiative is the Hands On Gateway Bursary, which provides a one-year salary for a secondary school graduate in Kakuma Refugee Camp to independently lead and support art activities in community learning centres and connect with school Art Clubs.