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The Slade School of Fine Art is delighted to welcome internationally acclaimed artist and Slade alumna Zineb Sedira to give the next William Townsend Memorial Lecture on Wednesday 8 December.

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The Slade School of Fine Art is delighted to welcome internationally acclaimed artist and Slade alumna Zineb Sedira to give the next William Townsend Memorial Lecture on Wednesday 8 December.

Online Wednesday 8 December, 6pm

Standing Here Wondering Which Way To Go  

Zineb Sedira (b. 1963, Paris, France, based in London) works across photography, installation and film to create powerful immersive projects that tackle the universally resonant themes of identity, mobility, gender and environment.  Sedira’s work uses of archives to explore the function and impact of images to (re-)construct meaning through a process of collecting and exhibiting. Frequently combining the personal with the globally political, Sedira uses the lens of her own family history, closely linked to that of Algiers, France and the UK, to form collective narratives that testify to the experience of people living between different cultures.

Zineb Sedira works between London, Paris and Algiers. She exhibited in several selected solo shows including the Photographer’s Gallery (United Kingdom); Pori Museum (Finland); Kunsthalle Nikolaj (Denmark); Palais de Tokyo (France); Musée d’Art Contemporain MAC (France); Blaffer Art Museum, (United States); Prefix and Charles H. Scott Gallery (Canada); Art on the Underground, (London); Beirut Art Centre, (Lebanon); Sharjah Art Foundation (UAE); Jeu de Paume (France); and IVAM (Spain). She also showed her work in group shows at Tate Britain and Tate Modern (United Kingdom); Centre Pompidou (France); Mori Museum (Japan); Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art (United Kingdom); Musée d’Art Moderne d’Alger (Algeria); Brooklyn Museum (United States); Gwangju Museum of Art (South Korea); MMK (Germany); Power Plant (Canada); The Smithsonian, Guggenheim and Studio museums (United States); Museum Colecao Berardo, (Portugal); and MAC VAL (France). She also took part in the Venice Biennale; Limerick Biennial (Ireland); ICP Triennial (United States); Sharjah Biennale (UAE); Folkestone Triennial and Prospect 4 (New Orleans, United States) and the Liverpool Biennale. She will represent France at the 59th Venice Biennale, in 2022.

About the Townsend Lecture

This very distinguished lecture series has been hosted as a public lecture by the Slade School of Fine Art since 1974. Although speakers have included eminent art critics, art historians, theorists and curators including Norbert Lynton, Richard Wollheim, Andrew Causey, Richard Cork and Norman Bryson, the primary aim of the William Townsend Memorial Lecture series is to encourage well known and influential artists to talk about their work to art students and the wider public.


We hope to publish the video of this event by in early January.