
Slade School of Fine Art
Slade Interim Showcase 2023

Tuesday 12 - Thursday 14 December 2023.

  1. I Can’t Tell, Luo Qianxi, 2022, PLA, variable

    ©the artist

    Luo Qianxi

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  2. Cut! Remade and Revived, June Jiyoon Hong, 2023, print on fabric, 500 x 250cm

    ©the artist

    June Jiyoon Hong

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  3.  Ship Mountain - Map of Chusan Archipelago, Bowen Zhang, 2023, digital prints, 1.1x1.1m

    ©the artist

    Bowen Zhang

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  4. Beatriz Santos

    ©the artist

    Beatriz Santos

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  5. Second Sight (Vair, CK, KL) , Jess Heritage, 2023, moving image & performance 

    ©the artist

    Jess Heritage

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  6. Three of Swords, Teodora Nitsolova, October 2023, acrylic, Pencil, Soft Pastel and Charcoal on Paper160 x 140 cm

    ©the artist

    Teodora Nitsolova

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  7. Untitled, Danny Pagarani, 2023, plywood, acrylic, steel, bronze, acrylic on paper, 1200 x 1000 x 1000mm

    ©the artist

    Danny Pagarani

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  8. Untitled 3, Raquel Yago Boj, April 2023, archival pigment print

    ©the artist

    Raquel Yago Boj

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  9. Double Negatives, Yang-En Hume, 2023, plaster, 30cm x 30cm x 20cm

    ©the artist

    Yang-En Hume

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  10. Untitled, A. Howard, 2023, Henry Hoover, acrylic paint, H34.5, W32, D34cm

    ©the artist

    A. Howard

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  11. Bulb, Sophie Smorczewski, 2023, oil on canvas, 100 x 120cm

    ©the artist

    Sophie Smorczewski

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  12. Untitled, Joe Moss, 2023, mixed media, 60 x 80cm

    ©the artist

    Joe Moss

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  13. Shifting Gears, Xinyu Han, 2023, oil on canvas, 150 x 210cm

    ©the artist

    Xinyu Han

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  14. Stream, Iris Su, 2023, oil pastel on inkjet print, multigrade resin coated film print, acrylic board, A4 PP sheet, headphones, and bubble wrap, 23.4 x 33.1 in. (59.4 x 84.1 cm) (each inkjet print), 8 x 10 in. (20.32 x 25.4 cm) (each film print), dimensions variable (sound installation)

    ©the artist

    Iris Su

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  15. Playland, Varvara Uhlik, 2023, arcade grabber machine, stickers, fabric, toy guns, 197 x 115 x 100cm

    ©the artist

    Varvara Uhlik

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  16. The Beloved Tamed, Rebekka Homann, 2023, 3D-animated video

    The animation is a reimagined version of the tapestry "The unicorn in captivity" from a series of tapestries from the late 15th century called "The Hunt of the Unicorn".

    Image credit: Selin Acarbas. ©the artist

    Rebekka Homann

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  17. Fire Lily, Natasha Burton

    ©the artist

    Natasha Burton

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  18. Eve Stotesbury, Fountain, 2023, Site specific / photographic c-type print, site specific / photo  210 x 297 mm

    ©the artist

    Eve Stotesbury

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  19. the angels are cumming!, Gabriel Kidd, 2023, silk, cotton, faux pearls, ribbon, stone, feather grass, peat soil, seed, bone, branch, shell

    ©the artist

    Gabriel Kidd

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  20. Tomato Egg Noodles, Xiya Wang, 2023, multi-screen video

    ©the artist

    Xiya Wang

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  21. Hundstage, Lexia Hachtmann, 2023, oil on linen, 65 x 55cm 

    ©the artist

    Lexia Hachtmann

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  22. Scale, Maya Pearl Böröcz Silverberg, 2023, silkscreen and oil paint on unstretched canvas, 160 x 132cm

    ©the artist

    Maya Pearl Böröcz Silverberg

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  23. Untitled, Tobias Gumbrill, 23/11/23, sheet metal, boots

    Feel free to look inside/outside/behind/below/above/within.

    ©the artist

    Tobias Gumbrill

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  24. A Heart's a Heavy Burden, Ruth Speer, 2023, oil on wood, 24 x 30 inches

    I work with human-animal hybrids a lot, and fantasy feels like it can itself be a two-headed beast, peering from one world into the other while sharing a single internal system. As Ursula le Guin wrote, “It is by such statements as, ”Once upon a time there was a dragon,” or ”In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit”--it is by such beautiful non-facts that we fantastic human beings may arrive, in our peculiar fashion, at the truth.”

    ©the artist

    Ruth Speer

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  25. Coordinates Ape Four, Jon Gabb, 2023, acrylic, oil, pencil and charcoal on canvas, 165cm x 100cm

    ©the artist

    Jon Gabb

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  26. Flow, Flow Like There's No Land, Yulin Song, 2022, fabrics and threads, 146 x 200cm

    ©the artist

    Yulin Song

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  27. In Bloom, Eilen Itzel Mena, 2023, acrylic and oil on paper 47 cm x 38 cm 

    Flowers are a symbol I’ve painted in the past that I have a personal connection to. Flowers represent beauty, healing, growth, and a diversity of self and community in my practice. In Bloom is a work part of the series titled, Floral Arrangement, where I depict different emotional states of growth through colour relationships, different forms of mark making and the flower motif.

    Photo Credit: Eilen Itzel Mena ©the artist

    Eilen Itzel Mena

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  28. The Whisper You Hear Is Not the Wind of This Moment, Fan Bangyu, moving image, installation, reel to reel tape recorder, sugar, tapes, sound pickup equipment, 2.5 x 2.5m

    ©the artist

    Fan Bangyu

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  29. Rain Series-Untitled 1, Wanci Xie, 2023, PH paper, collected rainwater from the homeland, thread, calico

    ©the artist

    Wanci Xie

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  30. Rope, Madeleine Bender, hair of artist, Rope is 3.5 metres 

    ©the artist

    Madeleine Bender

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  31. Untitled, Ya Luo, 2023, pastel on paper, 119 x 84cm

    ©the artist

    Ya Luo

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  32. A Beloved Memory During a Feast, Hannah Cosac Naify, 2023, woodstain on panel, paper on charcoal and nails 61 x 122cm (24 x 48 in)

    ©the artist

    Hannah Cosac Naify

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  33. Wondering, Xi Liu, 2023, oil on canvas, 160 x 120cm

    They chase each other, they undergo deformation, bending, tilting; they appear and disappear intermittently, they resist each other, they are turbulent, they hover and immerse themselves in this.

    ©the artist

    Xi Liu

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  34. Recline, Ross Head, 2023, oil paint on linen, 50 x 60cm

    ©the artist

    Ross Head

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  35. Blue flower on carpet, Cat Madden, 2023, open chalkball filled with blue soft pastel dust and yellow plasticine ball, 7 x 7 x 7 cm (approx.)

    ©the artist

    Cat Madden

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  36. Untitled, Isabel Mills, 2023, acrylic and aluminium plate with inkjet transfer, gems and sticker on plywood panel, 30 x 41cm

    ©the artist

    Isabel Mills

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  37. “One beer job” (Pail Ales: Tribute), Liam Mullen, 2023, perpetually-chilled beer, Pingu Ice, galvanized metal pail, dimensions vary 

    “If I had to guess, I would say that’s about a one-beer-job,” the expression and valuation tacked to the task of the ‘quick fix.’ Both a unit of measure indicative of the time it takes to achieve a job, as well as a proximate fiat, or currency, for one’s labour, “one-beer-job” (pail ales), sees the installation of perpetually-chilled beers as a mode of amplifying publics’ awareness to the precarious, and inconsistently regulated, economies endemic to the arts. 

    ©the artist

    Liam Mullen

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  38. Untitled, Victoria Grenier, still from video, 14 minute loop

    ©the artist

    Victoria Grenier

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  39. Alien Echoes, Signe Eliza Pook, 2023, acrylic on tinted Bockingford paper, 76 x 56cm

    Signe Eliza Pook

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  40. Untitled, Shona Waldron, 2023, inkjet prints on cut paper, 68cm x 45cm

    ©the artist

    Shona Waldron

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  41. Studio - Stiwdio, Gwenllian Davenport, 2023

    ©the artist

    Gwenllian Davenport

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  42. Guyrope, Bella Bradford, 2023, Denim, cardboard, ribbons, airdry clay, acrylic paint, Christmas lights, Christmas decorations, rope, silk, beads

    ©the artist

    Bella Bradford

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  43. Room, Wei Xiong, 2023, steel, cable, wood, leaf fan, mechatronics, motors, sensors, and microcontrollers, 400 x 400 x 300cm

    ©the artist

    Wei Xiong

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  44. Keeping It Up, Anna Candlin, 2023, clay, latex, cotton thread, balloon, 38 cm x 14 cm x 8 cm

    Photo: Thomas Jenkins. ©the artist. 

    Anna Candlin

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  45. The Assuming Device, Jack Kinsman, 2023, balsa wood, glue, wire and foam ear plugs, 1.25m x 0.75m x 0.15m

    A device for assuming the role of a prey animal.

    ©the artist

    Jack Kinsman

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  46. Impressions of a Cliff, Mercedes Balle, 2023, analogue photography on expired photographic paper, 40 x 60cm

    ©the artist

    Mercedes Balle

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  47. OK! Immigrant, Ziyi Wang, 2023, video installation, dimensions variable

    Ziyi Wang applies humour as method to tickle the existing systems, borders, and bureaucracy. Her works are mostly video installations, involving elements of documentary, comedy and ready-made props. This ongoing work OK! Immigrant is a video installation series, about a farce around losing and replacing the UK resident permit, which involves missing a flight, debating with aircrew and the ambassador's office, and how she self-directed a fake "smuggling" to come back to my temporary "home", recomposing an Asian female contemporary version of the Odyssey.

    ©the artist

    Ziyi Wang

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  48. Pre-wash, Chloe Beddow, October 2023, denim, string, charcoal, LED strip light, 100 x 120cm

    ©the artist

    Chloe Beddow

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  49. ‘Strata I’ (detail shot), Natalya Marconini Falconer, 2023, woven polypropylene sandbags, aluminium, wax lupini beans

    ©the artist

    Natalya Marconini Falconer

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  50. Monumental Threat, Julia-Anna Simonchuk, 2023, foam board, modeling clay, 153 x 46cm

    One of the concerns in my practice is the decommunisation of ideological monumental art of the Soviet period in Ukraine. The Palace of the Soviets - a utopian megalomaniac project that was never realised, is being deconstructed, altered and transformed into a Kalashnikov rifle (AK-47). This way I’m emphasising the formal likeness of the architectural structure with a weapon. Also, I’m reflecting on official art and architecture being an aggressive and harmful instrument of propaganda.

    ©the artist

    Julia-Anna Simonchuk

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  51. Shadow of tree, Mengmeng Zhang, 2023, oil on canvas, 101 x 71cm

    ©the artist. Photo credit: Lam Pok Yin

    Mengmeng Zhang

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  52. Faces, Hyeejin Bae, 2023, Installation, faces, isomalt, variable size

    ©the artist

    Hyeejin Bae

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  53. Parasitic grafting sleeves, Hansol Kim, 2023, tree branch, polyurethane, leather, beeswax, 93 x 156 x 34 cm

    ©the artist

    Hansol Kim

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  54. p.187, VI: Establishing Elam chronology2023, Davide Gibson, 2023, print on paper, 15 x 23 x 3cm

    ©the artist

    Davide Gibson

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  55. untitled, Roman Sheppard Dawson, 2023, moving image from a larger installation

    ©the artist

    Roman Sheppard Dawson

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  56. Khadija Niang

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  57. Cycle, Rose Shuckburgh, 2023, watercolour on linen covered slate, 4 x 9cm

    ©the artist

    Rose Shuckburgh

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  58. Dick high-heels, Ben Qi, 02/03/2022, clay, black gloss spray, 22cm x 13.7cm

    Here are some sculptures based on some gender considerations. This is one of my early works which tries to break the boundary between female and male. It is also a resistance to gender stereotypes and patriarchal society. I totally respect traditional binary identity, and I also stand with the concept that gender should not be assigned at birth. Nowadays, gender presents a variety of possibilities in discursive social practices, so in an open society, how comfortable can we be with this?

    Photo credit: Hongyu Liao. ©the artist

    Ben Qi

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  59. Tolstoy’s children, Veronika Peat, 2023, video still

    Veronika Peat

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  60. Detaching, Shiyue Li, 2023, chicken skin, clay, plaster cast bandage

    ©the artist

    Shiyue Li

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  61. Diffusing Linear Body, Mei To Man, 2022, installation, painting, dimensions variable

    Diffusing Linear Body spans across painting and other mediums. No longer in their original supple state, the threads are stretched into sharp straight lines presenting a clear threat and invasion of the site. The image is taken from the Japanese film Oh! The Nomugi Pass which depicts the tragic fate of female workers at the Nagano Textile Factory in the early 20th century when Japan was in the early stages of its capitalist development. In this classic scene, groups of female workers must trek through an icy mountain pass to access the long road to the silk factory, recreating the image with teams of workers progressing in lines that drift and float like spider silk on the wind.

    ©the artist

    Mei To Man

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  62. Harry Whitelock

    ©the artist

    Harry Whitelock

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  63. OCCLUDE, Freddie Sanders (made in collaboration with Chaney Diao), 2023, screenshot of interactive virtual world

    Working primarily with video game engines, Freddie Sanders explores contemporary understandings of collective mythology, individual agency and speculative worldbuilding. Often recreating existing real-world locations virtually, his work questions the perceived boundaries between the physical and the digital, and of reality and fantasy.

    ©the artists

    Freddie Sanders

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