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    Blue fragments, a decomposed and recomposed collage, a suspended opening.
    re/de/composition 2 blues, Onosiokhue Yakubu, 2022, paper collage, 42 x 59.4 cm

    ©the artist

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    scan of a negative where a body centres crouched, rotunda space and embedded, text in white on white border (so much is unseen) but appears slightly over the image. There is a black highlighted part of the text where it reads: "and then ppl clapped at the end".
    'excess and evasion', Onosiokhue Yakubu, 2024, digital image with embedded text

    ©the artist

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    Installation of drawn rectangles of paper on wall and down to the floor.
    ' ', Onosiokhue Yakubu, 2023, 2024

    ©the artist

Onosiokhue Yakubu – BA/BFA

spill over e x x x t r a
to from, to on/to any room,

(t)here held in tension - an opening
(w)here we don’t say what we know
but that vital bit more