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This week's Contemporary Art Lecture is by Eugene Yiu Nam Cheung. He is currently the  2023 Asymmetry Curatorial Fellow at Whitechapel Gallery, where he has curated the exhibition (11 October 2023 - 21 January 2024).

Cruciform Lecture Theatre, Room B304, Lecture Theatre 1
Cruciform Building, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT

Free, reserve your place .


Eugene Yiu Nam Cheung is a writer and cultural worker particularly interested in anarchist and dissident publication practices, utopian thresholds in language, and literary expressions of the revolutionary consciousness. He is the founding editor of Decolonial Hacker, and 2023 Asymmetry Curatorial Fellow at Whitechapel Gallery, where he curated the exhibition (11 October 2023 – 21 January 2024). Eugene has been a curator-in-residence at Delfina Foundation, and was previously part of the curatorial and public programme teams at the Julia Stoschek Foundation and documenta fifteen, respectively. In 2021, he won the International Award for Art Criticism.