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Amarna: finds from a Faience workshop

Petrie 1894: 25 : 'Fortunately the sites of three or four glass factories and two large glazing works, were discovered'. Petrie does not give any plan of these places but said: (Petrie 1894: 25) 'though the actual work-rooms had almost vanished, the waste heaps were full of fragments...'

(click on the images for a larger picture)

Moulds for objects with king's names

UC 1915
UC 23830
UC 23838
UC 1924
UC 1926
UC 1933
UC 1915
UC 23830
UC 23838
UC 1924
UC 1926
UC 1933

Moulds for different kind of objects, mostly jewellery

UC 1647
UC 1700
UC 1808
UC 2003
UC 2014
UC 2150
UC 1647
UC 1700
UC 1808
UC 2003
UC 2014
UC 2150

Ingots (Egyptian blue)
pottery jar with Egyptian blue in it
UC 24684
UC 24686
UC 8987
UC 24684
UC 24686

faience and glazed objects found at Amarna | glass and glazed objects from Amarna

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