
School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) Library, University College London

Catalogue of Seton-Watson Collection - SEW/7/1-SEW/7/28 item descriptions

SEW/7/1 - Serbian Relief Fund correspondence (1914-1918)

Previous number: box 9

Contents: correspondence re Serbian Relief Fund, including re formation of SRF, Bošković affair, Scottish Women's Hospitals and with Father Nicholas Velimirović

1 box containing 5 folders

To SEW/7/1/1-7/1/5 piece descriptions

SEW/7/2 - Serbian Relief Fund official correspondence (1914-1918;1930)

Previous number: box 10 and part of box Q

Contents: official correspondence with SRF committee members; correspondence re the Meštrović Exhibition; some routine correspondence

1 box containing 4 folders

To SEW/7/2/1-7/2/4 piece descriptions

SEW/7/3 - Correspondence re legal actions and other matters raised by winding up of SRF (1915-1927, mostly 1920-1925)

Previous number: box 16

Contents: legal actions taken by the SRF with Hussein, Frantelli and Fanni; financial and legal details raised by the winding up of the SRF in 1921 including legal action with the Bulgarian Red Cross and plans for surplus SRF monies; decorations awarded to SRF committee members; small amount newscuttings re Serbia and the SRF

1 box containing 5 envelopes

To SEW/7/3/1-7/3/5 piece descriptions

SEW/7/4 - Serbian Relief Fund's Niš Orphanage, correspondence (1915-1927)

Previous number: box 18

Contents: correspondence re the SRF and the Orphanage's early years; correspondence re the dissolution of the SRF and the transference of assets to the Niš Orphanage Trust; correspondence re the financing, administration and staffing of the Orphanage and its move to a purpose built home after some years in a converted poorhouse; also contains plans and photographs of the new building.

1 box containing 4 folders

To SEW/7/4/1-7/4/4 piece descriptions

SEW/7/5 - Serbian Relief Fund's Niš Orphanage, inter war years (1920-1939, mainly 1920-1931)

Previous number: box 19

Contents: financial correspondence containing some accounts; director's reports on orphanage; minutes of the Belgrade Orphanage Trustees meetings

1 box containing 5 folders

To SEW/7/5/1-7/5/5 piece descriptions

SEW/7/6 - Serbian Relief Fund's Niš Orphanage, post Second World War years (1944-1953)

Previous number: box 20

Contents: correspondence and memos from the last years of the Orphanage's existence. In September 1943 German requisition of their buildings forced the Orphanage to move to Negotin, they were able to return to Niš in April 1945. The Orphanage was finally closed in April 1946 when the Yugoslav Government took over the building.

1 box containing 3 folders

To SEW/7/6/1-7/6/3 piece descriptions

SEW/7/7 - SRF Executive Committee minute book (23 September 1914-13 April 1916)

Previous number: SRF item 2

Contents: the Executive committee was the governing body of the SRF. This minute book dates from the earliest days of the SRF as it was formed in September 1914. The minutes give details of the expansion and direction of the SRF. RWSW was present at most of the weekly meetings recorded as honorary secretary.

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/8 - SRF Executive Committee minute book (18 August 1915-15 May 1918)

Previous number: SRF item 3

Contents: the Executive committee was the governing body of the SRF. This minute book overlaps with SEW/7/7 for the period from 18 August 1915 to 13 April 1916. The minutes give details of the expansion and direction of the work of the SRF. RWSW was present at most of the weekly meetings recorded as honorary secretary.

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/9 - SRF Executive Committee minute book (29 May 1918-14 February 1923; 26-28 March 1924)

Previous number: SRF item 4

Contents: the Executive committee was the governing body of the SRF. Although the SRF was wound up as an active organisation in 1921, the Executive Committee continued to meet until February 1923 to deal with unfinished business, mainly concerning financial and legal matters and the transfer of assets to the Niš Orphanage Trust. RWSW was present at most of the weekly meetings recorded as honorary secretary. RWSW along with Glynne Williams was appointed at the last meeting to deal with any remaining business; also contains two March 1924 papers re the Niš Orphanage Trust.

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/10 - SRF Finance and Publicity Sub Committee minute book (26 September 1917-22 February 1922; 8 May 1922-18 May 1927)

Previous number: SRF item 5

Contents: Serbian Relief Fund Finance and Publicity Sub Committee minute book, the Committee was already in existence at the time these minutes start but appears to continue until the end of the Committee's existence; inserted with book is some correspondence and Executive and Education Committee papers for the period May 1922 to May 1927

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/11 - SRF account book (25 January 1915-May 1920)

Previous number: SRF item 6

Contents: Serbian Relief Fund account book kept by Executive Committee member Gertrude Carrington-Wilde. The book mostly records donations to the SRF but there are a few other accounts in the back of the book.

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/12 - SRF account book (1 July 1921-3 March 1924)

Previous number: SRF item 7

Contents: Serbian Relief Fund account book. Recorded are summaries of the Niš Orphanage accounts, payments to Orphanage staff and records of SRF investments.

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/13 - SRF Education Branch ledger (1 October 1916-19 July 1924)

Previous number: SRF item 7

Contents: Education Branch ledger. This records monies obtained either by donation, from other SRF funds or from the boys' earnings and payments made. It virtually covers the period in which the SRF undertook educational work. This work began in May 1916 when the first party of Serbian refugee boys arrived in Britain to be educated.

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/14 - SRF Education Branch area accounts ledger (1920-1922; 1916-1941)

Previous number: SRF item 9

Contents: Education Branch area accounts ledger (1920-1921). This records the accounts for each area in which Serbian boys were being educated. It is indexed by place and subject; also inserted in the book are a number of papers including copies of a letter of thanks from the Serbian minister of Education (June 1917) and a report on students' progress (May-August 1919); letter re Serbian medical women's scholarships (July 1941)

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/15 - SRF Marseilles Office diary (1 July 1917-31 January 1919)

Previous number: SRF item 10

Contents: Marseilles' Office diary recording the work of the office. The following is stated at the beginning "Note: This account is exclusive of supplies, commissions, etc. for Corsica or elsewhere, and of routine office work. Also of work for the British Red Cross Society."

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/16 - SRF Marseilles Office diary (2 February-8 June 1919)

Previous number: SRF item 11

Contents: Marseilles' Office diary recording the work of the office. This is the second volume to that in SEW/7/15 and continues the detailing of SRF aid work carried out from their Marseilles Office.

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/17 - Reports from SRF centres and photographs (1919)

Previous number: SRF item 1

Contents: reports from SRF centres in Serbia, mainly concerning medical work and packet of photographs depicting the work

1 box containing 1 folder and 1 envelope

To SEW/7/17/1-7/17/2 piece descriptions

SEW/7/18 - SRF press cuttings (general) book (September 1914-June 1915)

Previous number: SRF item 12

Contents: press cuttings book re the SRF's formation and early work. Cuttings are from the national, local and trade press and are indexed.

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/19 - SRF press cuttings (general) book (Jan-Oct 1915)

Previous number: SRF item 13

Contents: press cuttings book re the SRF. Cuttings are from the national, local and trade press and are indexed. There is some overlap with the date range of SEW/7/18.

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/20 - SRF press cuttings (general) book (July 1916-Jan 1917)

Previous number: SRF item 14

Contents: press cuttings book re the SRF. Cuttings are from the national, local and trade press and are indexed. There is some overlap with the date range of SEW/7/19.

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/21 - SRF press cuttings (national press) book (Jan-September 1919)

Previous number: SRF item 15

Contents: press cuttings book re the SRF. Cuttings are from the national and trade press and are indexed.

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/22 - SRF press cuttings book (national press) (September 1919-December 1929)

Previous number: SRF item 16

Contents: press cuttings book re the SRF. Cuttings are from the national and trade press and are indexed.

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/23 - SRF press cuttings (local press) book (December 1916-August 1917)

Previous number: SRF item 17

Contents: press cuttings book re the SRF. Cuttings are from the local press and are indexed.

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/24 - SRF press cuttings (local press) book (May 1919-December 1920)

Previous number: SRF item 18

Contents: press cuttings book re the SRF. Cuttings are from the local press and are indexed.

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/25 - SRF press cuttings (advertisements) book (November 1916-February 1918)

Previous number: SRF item 19

Contents: press cuttings book of fundraising advertisements and appeals by the SRF.

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/26 - SRF press cuttings (advertisements) book (February-September 1918)

Previous number: SRF item 20

Contents: press cuttings book of fundraising advertisements and appeals by the SRF.

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/27 - SRF press cuttings (advertisements) book (October 1918-June 1919)

Previous number: SRF item 21

Contents: press cuttings book of fundraising advertisements and appeals by the SRF. It contains an index and continues directly on from SEW/7/26.

(Languages) English

1 volume

SEW/7/28 - Lantern slides depicting SRF work (circa) 1915-1921 (circa)

Previous number: SRF item 22

Contents: lantern slides (many duplicates) depicting Serbian scenes and SRF aid work both in Serbia and in other countries.

(Languages) English

1 box containing 107 (3.25" x 3.25") lantern slides

To SEW/7 class description

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