
School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) Library, University College London

Catalogue of Naçi Collection - class descriptions


"From the Illyrians to the Shqiptars: a historical insight", drafts and papers relating to this unpublished work by Naçi (1945-1990)

Naçi appears to have worked on this volume, a history of the Albanians from ancient times until 1983, for a number of years, starting by 1971 and producing a final draft in 1983. Correspondence indicates that he tried to get the work published without success. A letter to his son Alexander suggests that another copy of the final draft is deposited at the Centre for Albanian Studies, University of Palermo.


Contents: various drafts of "From the Illyrians to the Shqiptars: an historical insight" in the form of both complete drafts and individual chapters; other articles by Naçi on Albania; other papers used in writing of "From the Illyrians..."; correspondence re proposed publication of "From the Illyrians..."

(Languages) Albanian & English & French (the drafts are all in English)

8 items (12 envelopes and 2 volumes)

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Other writings by Naçi (1932-1986 and undated)

Naçi's major writing project was a history of Albania (see NAÇ/1). However he also wrote a number of other articles and books on Albania, some articles were published. There are several other typescripts by Naçi in NAÇ/1.

1932=1986 (and undated)

Contents: drafts of a work on King Zog's experiences during the Second World War up to 1944; Naçi's autobiography of his early life; draft for works on Albania's problems; articles on Albanian politics and affairs and Albania's international relations; Albanian émigré newspapers and other newscuttings and papers used in writing the works.

(Languages) Albanian & English & French & (small amount) Italian

8 items (11 envelopes)

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Naçi's correspondence (1940-1983)

During a period from approximately May 1939 until February 1946, Naçi was private secretary to King Zog, exiled king of Albania. Naçi's duties as private secretary appear to have involved his dealing with correspondence on both political and more personal financial and social arrangements. As well as writing on behalf of the king and dealing with correspondence received, Naçi seems to assisted Sohir Martini, the Court Minister who was part of King Zog's retinue on a similar basis. He frequently kept copies of correspondence sent both by him personally and by him on King Zog and Sohir Martini's behalf. He also kept copies of correspondence sent by third parties for reference.

This collection also contains some of Naçi's personal correspondence, although much of this is also concerned with events in Albania. Most of the correspondence is numbered according to Naçi's personal reference system.

1940=1983 (mainly 1940-1949)

Contents: correspondence received and copies of correspondence sent by Naçi as private secretary to King Zog. This includes copies of letters sent by King Zog and Sohir Martini that were presumably written by Naçi on their behalf. King Zog's major concerns during this time were to secure recognition for Albania as an allied nation during the war and an independent nation after it. He also wished for personal recognition as official head of state. In pursuit of these interests King Zog was in correspondence with British officials and officials of other allied government as well his Royal Legations in Turkey and Eygpt and his representative in the United States. Contacts were also maintained with Albanian émigré groups, mainly in the United States and sympathetic Albanian-British support groups. It was hoped that a coalition of émigré and support groups could be formed with King Zog at its head and that this group would be recognised as a government in exile by allied governments. King Zog and his supporters were not successful in attaining their aims.

Also contains Naçi's private correspondence concerning his work and family; other papers including articles by Naçi, émigré newspapers and newscuttings, these are often related to the subject of the correspondence. It is likely that Naçi organised his papers in this way in order to best utilise them for his writings.

(Languages) Albanian & English & French & (few pieces) German & (few pieces) Greek & (few pieces) Italian

10 items (17 envelopes)

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Photographs (1922-1990)

These photographs were the personal collection of Naçi and were collected over a long period of time.


Contents: photographs of the Albanian royal family; photographs of Gjenco Naçi and his family and friends, particularly his son Alexander.

3 items (2 outsize folders, 2 envelopes)

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Naçi family memorabilia and certificates (1923-1990)

Gjenco Naçi was the son of Leonidha Naçi and his wife Alexandra Bogdanos. He had married Jeanne Rogge-Vancappel, a Belgian, by 1939. Their son Alexander was born in 1949.


Contents: certificates, and family memorabilia the majority of which relates to the childhood and education of Alexander Naçi

(Languages) Albanian & English & (few pieces) Flemish & French & (few pieces) Spanish

2 items (2 envelopes)

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Newscuttings (1942-1988)

The majority of these newscuttings were acquired by Naçi from a press cuttings service. They were probably used by him both in his capacity as private secretary to King Zog and for his own writings. Other newscuttings and copies of émigré newspapers can be found in NAÇ/1-3.

1942=1988 (mostly 1942-1947)

Contents: newscuttings, the majority of which are in date order and are from British newspapers, the subject matter is almost entirely Albania and international relations relating to Albania; Albanian émigré newspapers.

(Languages) Albanian & English & French & (few pieces) Greek

4 items (7 envelopes)

Access unrestricted

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This page last revised Wednesday 26 March 2008.